it can render flesh to dust in minutes. and these dry winds can generate tremendous static electricity in the atmosphere. our body shields won't have enough power to operate in the open air on arrakis. we don't know much about the fremen. they live in the deep desert. some of them in the cities and they have blue- within-blue eyes. i've brought house atreides down. i've destroyed the new army's weirding modules. i wish to kill a man. not you, my dear duke, but the baron. you were dead already. but you will be close to the baron before you die. you will be tied and drugged but you can still attack. when you see the baron you will have a new poison tooth. he will want you close so he can gloat over you. one bite on this tooth and a strong exile. no! -- you mustn't. for in return i will save the lives of your paul and jessica. for paul. when you see the baron, remember the tooth! the tooth! she lives?