okay: what do you want with -- i'm not doing a thing until me?! i know for a fact that kyle's safe -- do you hear me? i am not fucking around, you tell me now what this is do you hear me? no, you stop - about! - i will not do a thing for you until -- hey: i almost died back there! three times! shut up! you shut up and -- who?! who's kyle? who the listen to me now! you tell me hell is kyle?! kyle is safe! you tell me --where's that coming from?! --who are you?! clutch! i'm clutching!! she tries to shift -- jerry puts his hand on hers -- jams the gear shift into fourth -- the car swerves to avoid a car: how are you doing this?!?! i'm not!!! -- and now we reveal: a giant, industrial magnet attached to the top of the bmw, hoisting it up on a dock crane -- the jib arm pivots, swinging them over a crane yard. minds blown, they swing past the crane's driver's seat and see. nobody's at the controls. the crane dips them toward a wooden railing overlooking the river -- they crash through it. the release arm drops the bmw -- jerry and rachel scream as they plummet -- but the car doesn't hit water, instead it falls onto: a garbage barge floating downriver. the car lands in a mountain of trash. the crane stops, just as. morgan and the cops appear, screeching in at the broken railing. she wants us to drive to indianapolis.: , -- why? what's there, what? -- -- i don't know -- -- no, this can't keep happening! we have to go to the police, explain it -- explain what?! what're we -- i'm not doing it!! i'm not gonna tell them?! going anywhere! jerry can see she's losing it. grabs her by the shoulders: oh, shit -- it's bad -- they look at each other. jerry puts the. mic in his ear: -- they're coming--we're supposed to rob them -- -- are you kidding me?!?! -- just take i t-- -- no! jesus! i don't even let kyle play with water guns! -- hey, i applaud your parenting skills -- take it! the footsteps come closer as two men appear. the.-brinks couriers from the lobby; one of them's carrying a metallic briefcase cuffed to his wrist -- the other spots jerry's gun and reacts, going for his gun: impressive. thanks. the door closes on them, and we cut into: reno. niagara falls. shit. niagara falls. reno. shit. the "ding" of an arriving elevator matches us back to: