-- we're gonna be late, huh? i like your car. we're gonna be late. the engine still split-sput-sputtering.::. a bus. whizzes by, slows up ahead at a bus stop. rachel gives up, jumps out: -- are you kidding? and one at night, i know -- more bills? you swore!! as she chases the bills, screeching and honking around her: you swore again. was that our bus? rachel looks: pan to across the street, the bus is now leaving the bus stop. pan back to rachel: shit!! i will, mom -- it's only two days,: mom. y'know. you could try and some have fun too, wouldn't kill ya. -- love you too -- they separate -- she watches as kyle boards with mrs. miller: it's unclear. as they head into the train, rachel steels herself and goes. passing the baggage area. hey, mom, it's. me. got your message, the train's awesome -- brian tried to burp the alphabet but gagged when he got to "m." i'll call when we hit d.c. bye, ma -- rachel holding the phone like it's some kind of life-line to her son. when there's a strange beep then the voice of aria: my trumpet sounds weird. i dunno, i haven't opened it yet. they're on backorder everywhere! mom -- can i go play with it?