my son! you let him go! you hey! hey, stop! wait! hurt him and i will kill you're not the woman who you!!! called me? and rachel, out of breath, realizes: holy shit. they're shooting at us?! drivedrivedrivedrivedrive!!! she slams the gas -- the car screeches onto the road, another car avoiding it, slamming into a bus -- rachel lurches and grinds as she shifts gears -- what is happening?! why are you driving like -- you don't know anything your son?! no, i know about kyle? nothing! just like you don't know how to drive: use the clutch before you shift, not while you shift, not while you -- i don't need driving sh-- lessons from you, asshole! -- you drive like. this and i'm the asshole? --the lights are all changing to green. it's like. -- like they're changing for us. accelerate?! we"re headed for the water! -- are you trying to kill us?! -- slow down! jesus, slow down--what the hell's your name? you! you!!! -- oh! rachel! -- rachel: slow the hell -- hey! -- wait, who are you?! you have to tell us what you know! -- you're in denial if you -- ham: i'm not talking about don't think that has anything this -- to do with what's happening right now -= -- dammit!! i'm not kidding! :but i can tell you that stop! stop! whatever he did, whatever he was part of has put my son in danger whether you believe it or not!! screech! jerry yanks the wheel hard, peeling across four lanes of traffic. skids to a stop by a curb, pops open the door. -- whoa--what is that? -- a timer -- it's counting down-- -- they do.that -- what's it mean?! -- i dunno, the only things with timers i can think of are microwaves and. -- and bombs, you were gonna say bombs -- some coffee makers have timers. .and egg timers. -- yeah, jerry, it's an egg timer -- what is she saying about it --? i dunno, i -- -- what do you mean you. don't know?! --oh, shit--i can't-- there's no time-- he sees she's coming undone, so he'fire :. into his arm, taking the plunge -- wincing as the needle punctures skin -- a beat: