okayokay. okay: we came home, put down the leftovers, you turned on the tv, i went over, i said no tv-- she turns to the tv area and walks straight into a table. stuns her, momentarily, but she doesn't break stride -- -- absolutely not -- i turned it off, came over here, checked messages, put the leftovers in the-- we need to get a new car -- no we're not: the bus. i put vitamins in your toiletry bag, don't forget to take two in the morning -- and your inhaler, which i may need to use now, is in the outside pocket -- wait! they rush back to a mailbox, she pulls bills from her purse: yup -- that's what happens when you have a kid on lay-away. they smile at each other. when suddenly a bus roars past the wind gusts and the bills go flying into traffic: oh, shit! stay here! rachel waves her arms at oncoming cars, runs into traffic-- i know, i'm sorry! (porsche honks as it scuze us, coming through, sorry -- wait!! hi -- sorry -- rachel holloman, we met-- okay. now. i want you to have an awesome time -- -- you can eat junk food, just remember to brush your teeth; and if you're gonna goof off, just be really smart about it; and try not to stay up past your bedtime, you get really cranky when you do that'-- he gets very contrarian if he doesn't get at least eight -- you see all these kids? they're all calling their mothers. you just do it more -- fun? what's that? i love you so much, baby.you're my everything. rock the house. call me! yup. in theory -- but i gotta site-check this brief, courier's coming in,.,the morning. i had a great. time, i told you that but i'm so busy and. kyle goes to college in nine years-- it should be somewhere around then. -- hello? it's the same chilling female voice: who is this? as she clicks on the link. and a streaming image appears: a what's going on? who are you --? this isn't funny! who are you?! yes. the woman? she called you too? i know i got it! and she yanks the steering wheel and the.car makes a frightening screaming left turn as we cut to: -- this isn't happening!!! tries to downshift -- grinnnnnnnnd!! avoid them?! honey? honey? it's me -- baby, you need to call me. soon as you get this, 1 please -- check your messages and.call me. sweetie. i love y_ou. and she hangs up, staring'off. crash! jerry's knocked the window back -- opens the control booth door and enters, examines the controls. the computer panel reads: "control override." d'youthink -- she could derail a train? my son is on a train. she threatened to kill him if i don't do what she says. they share a look. the difference between them galvanized in an instant. she has something to lose. you tell me -- how does someone do all this? when: ring! a cell phone. rachel looks down, hoping it's kyle -- but it's not her phone. they realize the phone's somewhere in the trash. jerry starts digging. it's nast finally, he finds it in an old take-out box --- re: the phone. jerry, that's your name, right? are we swimmincr? how did you know that? so you're a twin. so this whole situation is obviously about him. just think about it: you said your brother worked at the state department -- -- so that means he could've: been into anythinc -- he was a twin -:- you. received a shipment of weapons and cash and airplane manuals -- it seems to me that they sent the stuff to.the wrong brother-- i'm implying if not him. then why you? i did just fine driving, thanks. i'm a paralegal -- i have no connection to anything. someone's coming. and what's approaching is the "hassad drycleaners." van. it comes to a stop and out steps the middle eastern man. stands some twenty-five feet from them. how are you seeing us?! jerry and the middle eastern man. fighting. thrashing. throwing sloppy punches: stop! you have to stop! when the middle eastern man cracks jerry in the nose and he goes sprawling. he takes off again, yelling back: she's going to kill you! kyle. he's nine. he goes to a music magnet. his school's on a tour of washington. they're playing at the kennedy center. parents weren't allowed to go. is that okay with you? then what's with the qualified nod? not if you're iudging me.-- you think i should have gone with him anyway. yeah? how do you know kyle's dad isn't there? as if it's any of your business -- you know what you are --? -- you're one of those "thirties are the new twenties" man-children. you're glib and wry and find humor in people like me who are actually accountable for the ir lives -- i know you work at a copy store! what are you, thirty-one, thirty-two? you're obviously articulate -- and i know your brother just died and he worked for the state department -- jesus!--what're you d--?'. jerry gets out, slams his door shut -- you can't leave me! don't walk away! please! please! please! i. i need you! jerrystops short. turning around. cupping his ear. i can't do this without you. its the first time we've been apart, me and kyle. since the day he was born. and i let him get on that train-- -- i let him get on. jerry sees all the panic and horror and guilt in this woman's eyes. they're both in pain. points his finger right at her. yes. and so. they turn around. and get back in the van. a federal bank? you gonna open it? yeah. maybe it's something good. they meet eyes. tentatively, he raises the lid to find two glock pistols and the same bone mic we saw.the.m.e. pull out of the middle eastern man's ear. a note.: "ear:mic. now." -- what?! what now -- what are we? drop the gun asshole! courier #2 drops it; jerry rises, wipes blood from his lip. rachel is fucking on fire, she's so tough. aka: a mother. gimme the case. now. they do -- and jerry and rachel back into the elevator with it. how do i look? like you lost one. an alarm sounds. the men race into the bank as jerry and rachel walk right past them, starting across the street toward the stadium. no one in sight except a colts paraphernalia vendor. squad cars screech in around the bank. cops jump out drawing their weapons. rachel tensing. jerry. this is nice and everything, but what the hell are we doing here? what're you doing? can you stop eating for a second? a knock at the door and they stop arguing immediately. where are we going now? -- jerry -- the guy you killed in the desert -- last time i checked, murder wasn't legal. what's the task? what d'you need me for then? are you kidding me? -- jesus, enough! the screen goes black. -- kyle?! -- sweetie, where areou, are you -- but she's interrupted as she realizes, oddly, it's a voicemail -- her heart sinks: i'll do whatever you want -- don't hurt him, please -- i'm begging you. listen - you're trying to protect something too, right? you'll do whatever it takes. well that's what it's like to be a mother -- can you understand that? jesus. what? no way, i can't just -- hey -- sorry, i didn't mean to -- am i drooling? i bet i'm drooling. you didn't sleep? wow, is that me? it's really good. jerry looks down at it, not used to having his work appreciated. rachel, can see how deeply affected he was by what aria said. it seems to make her feel uuiilty somehow. kinder. about what aria said. i'm sorry. they're;starting to connect. he glances out the window. you're being too hard on yourself-- you don't think -- -- what if it's not about just one plane? they look at each other. fuck. fuck. fuck. what to do. when rachel grabs the briefcase as the limo pulls curbside. i have more to lose in this. if anything happens to kyle then my life's over anyway -- but jerry grabs her hand, taking the case. -- paris? she changed the screen. the case comes off the conveyor, the tsa agent hands it back: if it is, i'm really, really sorry i let you come with me. the timer: 0o:02.`. 00:01. and nothing happens. the briefcase simply unlocks. they exhale. why --? what is that?! i'm not putting it in my i feel it. oh, god. i haven't really done. a lotta drugs. -- what? i don't know. : you're being sweet, but it's not working - -- you're gonna distract me by bringing up my life's biggest mistake? -- now you're gonna distract me by bringing up the one thing i'm most afraid of losing?! jesus -- okay -- he's in the wilmington correctional facility. mail fraud. he wasn't a criminal when i married him. that tooth grew in. it'.s an.:'old picture-- he was born playing the trumpet. as the drug really starts to kick in, like a truth serum: every year his dad forgets his birthday. i have to buy a present and pretend it's. from him. his birthday's. next month. i just wish. sometimes i think i. focus so much on him, i forget how much else there is. y'know, in life. so much i haven't done. -- jerry -- she. she wants me to-- -- aria -- -- aria wants me to -- and at that moment, they both black:out. oh. god. i'm cold. the nextel walkie blips -- oh god. kyle! i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry. convulsing, jerry looks up at her through helpless eyes what is this? where's my son? hi. i saw the target list. i know the president's going to be here soon. i'll do what you tell . me this one last time. but you listen to me because this is what a real mother sounds like: i will die for my child becausei lived for my child, and you can't take that away from me. if this. is a bargain, then honor your side. i'll be your scapegoat: but let my son live. she turns away. strong and vulnerable all at once. walks out. no, thank you. he smiles and leaves her there. she looks all around her, fighting the paranoia. what the hell's coming next? kyle! kyle! the secret service immediately moves in on her -- that's my son! my son's over there!; no. no . someone's trying to kill the president! but she's drowned out by the music -- they take her in a vice grip and start leading her up. the aisle to the exit: kyle!! oh, god. help! somebody please help!!! jerry's pov: rachel starts receding away from us, like we're descending into a well. until. her face become a point of light. and jerry smiles. as 'everything turns. kyle. what do you say? who brought you up? kyle rips open the present to find a brand new playstation 3. one hour. that's it. as kyle tears off with his friends, jerry walks over to her. it's like everyone else at the party has disappeared. you remembered. it suits you. you know what? me too. they smile at each other, like they have an enormous secret. he tucks a loose hair behind her ear.,, i owe you, jerry. everything. i don't think you understand -- right. or even about how we met.