look out your window. they're coming for you. jerry. you have to run. leave your residence. get to the mathis train station. you have 4 minutes. run, or you'll be captured and convicted -- go now. click. pounding boots against pavement outside. jerry whirls, goes out to the hall, hears them coming. starts to run. but a click on the link at the bottom of the page. rachel's eyes drop down to the link at the bottom of her screen. what? leans out from her cubicle to look around -- no one else would you risk your life for your son? rachel jumps to her feet,: trying to breathe through the panic. looking around. no one - ican derail his train. i can kill him at any time. i'll ask again: would you risk`. your life for your son? suddenly the browser goes blank: "unable to access page." kyle's taken from her, that fast -- she gasps, terrified. follow my instructions precisely. there's a vehicle parked at the northeast exit of your building. the keys are in the ignition. start walking. now. click. off rachel's stunned, terrified face -- i told you to. run. you didn't. tight on jerry now, terrified, breathless -- follow the water. or the fire will kill you. follow the water. leave the building -- -- and jerry spins back. looks up at a wall vent near the ceiling -- smoke. ho-shit! a smoke alarm blares -- -- take brisbane street to the elevated train station: you have six minutes. stay on the train for three more stations until you r-- but jerry hangs up -- won't have this. and as the train slows, he moves to the door and -- i told you not to get off yet. he knows you're here. jerry turns and sees a transit cop through the glass doors that connect the cars -- he's talking into a shoulder-mounted walkie talkie. looking right at jerry -- next stop is damen station. take the northwest exit. there will be a black bmw sedan. get in the passenger seat. the man in the black t-shirt is a wanted terrorist. his name is jerry shaw. everyone turns to jerry, backs away, but a huge man stands: drive. -- and jerry and rachel scream at the horror of the;woman's voice coming from inside the car -- how?! i'm using the onboard automotive telematics system. drive. now. ka-boooom!!! the side window explodes from a gunshot! they duck -- jerry turns to look at,the cops running toward the car: stay about fifty miles an hour, you have pursuers. turn left in two-hundred feet. indeed they do: two police cars blast around a street corner four blocks behind them -- doppler horns as we cut back to: one hundred feet. accelerate to sixty -- turn right in four- hundred feet. you'll turn at the next alley: avoid the police. rachel skids right, but two cop cars appear. too late to stop wham! the bmw smashes through -- both cop cars go flying. turn right in two-hundred feet. morgan's car: he sees rachel coming right at him. just before they collide, she turns right. morgan slams his brakes -- his car fishtails -- the cruisers behind him come to a.stop; but now accelerate to sixty five. you both need to swim to shore. go to line tower 108. but you do. i've seen you at the beach house. and the female was once a swimming instructor at the ymca in westport, connecticut. go now or the authorities will find you. they're more dangerous than the water. stop him now or he will die. stop him now. click. rachel turning to scream at middle eastern man -- it was unavoidable. take the van. drive to indianapolis. 7002 west 56th street. arrive no later than eleven am. disobey and you die. click. rachel's eyes on jerry. you lost the mic, jerry. that's not optimum. jesus christ! her voice is in the elevator now: there will thirty five seconds of disconnect, during which you need to get yourselves across the street to the stadium's vip parking area unexposed. answer it. they turn hearing the voice: it's.coming from the t.v. the four seasons graphic still dancing on screen. there are items you will need for the next step. knock! knock! a small nod from rachel and jerry opens the door. a delivery boy stands there with a bag: the limousine is waiting for you `downstairs. you have 30 minutes to change your appearance. your only consideration at present is to deliver it before the timer expires. it would not be efficacious to reveal my intentions. my name. is aria. rachel and jerry stare -- what the hell is this?