tomorrow morning, the cable channel known as real tv, begins broadcasting one of the most heavily promoted concepts in the history of cable television. in an experiment that they say will last at least a month. they're going to follow -- live - every waking minute of a thirty-one year old video store clerk from paramus new jersey. the real tv press release on this promises that none of it will be scripted, none of it will be edited and in my opinion, none of it will be interesting. we're all just supposed to sit in front of our tv's and watch this guy. live. betas me. pat, four weeks ago, no one in america had even heard of ed pekurny. today, this thirty-one year-old video store clerk has become something of a national obsession. the words viewers use to describe him are "charming," "natural," and "appealing." and ratings indicate that "ed tv" is being watched by more people, each day, than any show in the history of cable television. ed tv has become so popular that when ed goes to sleep real tv is running highlights of ed's day all night. some viewers have become obsessed with ed. they wake up when ed wakes up, they go to sleep when ed goes to sleep, and in between they try to watch as much of him as possible. a spokesperson for real tv announced that ed received a check covering his four months on the air, his balloon payment and an additional bonus to show the network's appreciation for all his -- quote -- hard work and loyalty -- unquote. when asked --