look at this -- people are getting married, they're getting married. we're falling behind. you know who we are? we're the guys who clean up after the parade. i was at this comedy club last week and this comedian says "if you're over thirty and your job requires you to wear a name tag, you screwed up your life." and i'm laughing and then i realize i wear a nametag. your brother's here. oh, that thing. yeah. did you hear about this? oh, jesus! yeah. you did good. what's wrong? oh -- so i'm just, what -- a poor substitute? no! don't -- oh, wow. no more calls, we have a winner. i'm trying to remember. i feel that ed is the apotheosis of a prevailing american syndrome. it used to be that someone became famous because they were special. now people are considered special just for being famous. fame, itself, is now a moral good in this country. it's its own virtue. look, you put anybody on tv sixteen hours a day, at some point they're going to wind up rolling off a table on to a cat. i mean with no privacy, there's no. dignity. when? today? oh right, right! she fell down, like a. right, right. right. oh.