eddie, my dove just flew out the window! what? i offer you mortals the bird of peace, so that you may change your ways and end all this destruction. do i really have a face like a horse? ed, it was only one review. ed, you're still young. this is the part of your life when you're supposed to be struggling. things'll change for us. nobody stays on the fringe forever. god, where's my pink sweater? i can never find my clothes anymore. eddie, i don't understand. why are you the most qualified director for the christine jorgensen story? you got the job?!! better than not getting a job? who? robert taylor?! boris karloff!? you met basil rathbone! i thought he was dead. boy, i can't even remember the last time he was in a picture. so did you get his autograph? ed, i'm so proud! i'll read it as soon as i get home. so that's where my sweater's been. how long have you been doing this? jesus christ! and you never told me? what, by putting it in a fuckin' script, for everyone to see?! what kind of sick mind would operate like that? and what about this so-called "barbara" character? it's obviously me! i'm so embarrassed! this is our life! oh! you got nerve, buddy. that's not the issue!! ugh! how can you act so casual, when you're dressed like that?! oh, just like in the script! how can you just walk around like that, in front of all these people? ed, this isn't the real world! you've surrounded yourself with weirdos! ed, who is daniel davis? i don't know. it's so much money. but ed, we're not even married. and you don't have a job. toss us out on our ass. ssh! will you keep it down? ed, it's just one man's opinion! that's ridiculous. well maybe you're not studio kind of material. maybe you just need to raise the money yourself. ed, the landlord called again. he wants his money. ed, the landlord doesn't care. don't get angry at me. maybe you just need a day job. all i know is, ever since "glen or glenda," all you do is booze it up and wear my clothes! who do you think's been paying the rent?! who helped type your script, and did all your grunt work?! i wanted you to say, "no! i wrote the part for my girlfriend dolores." like what?! you asshole! i told you this was gonna happen. that's moronic. why would a bit player impress a backer? that's a good reason to dump your girlfriend. you're a fuckin' mess. i'm going to my mother's. i think you should stay with one of your friends. of course i'm here. today is the file clerk's big scene. i see the usual gang of misfits and dope addicts are here. say, who's the lug? oh really? how much money did he put up? wood productions. the mark of quality. hey harry -- long time no see. don't be silly -- let harry finish. you still need more work. mm, that mole still shows. eddie, what's my motivation? but what's our relationship? are we good friends, or is she just a casual acquaintance? of course it was. you people are insane! take a look around -- you're all freaks! you're wasting your lives making shit! nobody cares! these movies are terrible! i can't take it any longer! ed, it's over. i need a normal life. i'm tired of living on the fringe. ed. i just stuck it out so you could finish your movie. now that it's done, so am i.