pleased to meet you. i'm loretta king. yes. hollywood is oh so exciting. no! no water! no liquids! i'm terribly allergic to them! perhaps a small amount of money. how much do one of your motion pictures cost? that's all?? that seems very reasonable for an entire picture. oh my, this is very interesting. say. do you think it would be possible for me to maybe play one of these parts? hmm. those sound kind of small. oh, here's one that looks good: janet lawton. i'd sure like to play her. eddie, which dress do you like better? ow. not so hard, tor. well then you should pay him, shouldn't you? what are you looking at me like that for? i already gave you my three hundred. what other sixty-thousand? you misunderstood. i gave you everything i have in the world: three-hundred dollars. no, i'm done. all i needed was a touch-up.