da pleasure be mine. could we moovf to table? tor! mm, not good-lookink enough. no. with hair, yah. but i must shave head for wrestlink. it scare da crowds. dey like that. but what bout accent? some people tink i haf too much accent. i'll haf eight beers. and more nuts! i like. when do movie shoot? biceps 22! chest 62! stomach 54! yes. i play lobo! edvard! i haf question 'bout script. my vife greta, she read. and she no like. no. she tink lobo is waste of my time. lobo don't talk. bela, he talk. loretta, she talk. but tor, he no talk. but greta say -- okey-dokey. i love being movie star! heh? now? hallo? but i'm in utah. my head is cold. i'm no good at climbink. i'm good at bashink!! lobo will fix! bedder than wrestlink! edvard, you come! i'm so happy you visit. meet my family! greta, karl, and connie! hey! you're not eatink. the food will make you feel bedder. look at me -- i'm da happiest guy i know! don't worry. you just haven't met right woman yet. oopsy. that cabbage goes right through me. ouch! goddammit! look, it happened again! nonsense! you must try our hot glug. my friend, you tink greta is first woman i ever see? no! many duds, before i find her. forget her! move on. a good lookink boy like you as you can have any girl you wish. nobody knows. but there's a lotta booze. i never heard of her. my eyes are killink me. my eyes are burnink. where? i can't see nothink! ow. dis is a nightmare. what is happening? he look nutink like bela! you're stupid! i do. tor make good joke! i am so happy! finally i am star wit dialogue! i memorized every wordt. eddie will be so proud! "you get statement frumk vitnesses?" "findink mess like dis oughta make anyone frightened. have one of da boyz take dem back to town. you take jarge."