this must be quite a change for you, ed. sure. so what have you been doing up there in that big old place? i bet the view must be spectacular, ed. see all the way to the ocean? turn it up, kevin. i can't hear it. kevin! no, make it louder. sports announcements on no, make it louder. sports announcements on i'll be darned. boy, it's just wonderful, ed. my god, you, you have the whole family in there, don't you? no, no, no. that's a terrible idea, son. go to the garage and get the oil can. we don't want him rusting up on this now, do we? yes, it is. that's right. go on. get out of here. run! don't worry about her, edward. she's just an old lonely loony. that's all. okay, everybody. grab your plates. soup's on. what? yeah, it, it is shish kebab. it was a figure of speech, ed. you got to learn not to take things so literally. it's all right. it's all right. go back to bed. it's only edward. this way. we'll have you a setup here in a minute. up with your feet. a queen-size bed here. how do you like that? it's all made up and everything. there you go. what's the matter? what's wrong? she gets you nervous? you've been closed up in a way in that castle too long. you don't know anything about the wonderful world of teen-age girls. they're all crazy. here some. straighten that out. lemonade. i don't know what it is. they reach a certain age. they develop these gland things. their bodies swell up. they go crazy. yeah, glands. i try not to think about it good. isn't it? really? i'll be darned. yeah, isn't that wonderful? well, he probably wants you to pay for it yourself. i agree with him. it builds character. you'll appreciate it more. speaking of money, i understand you are not charging for gardening, edward? sweetheart, you can't buy the necessities of life with cookies. you can't buy car with cookies. am i right, jim? veloro. veloro. sweetheart. that hangs on the dash board. so, edward, did you have a productive day? great. edward. i can't tell you how thrilled i am. i'm just as pleased as punch. this whole beauty parlor, that's what's going to teach you volumes. there's nothing like running your own business. i've never done it myself, but from what i gather it's the greatest satisfaction a working man can have. so i guess the bank is going to be your next step, huh? yeah, take out a loan. get yourself started. nothing to worry about. with your talent and reputation, it's going to be a snap. now. what in god's name was going through your mind, son? what were you going to do with that stuff? except trouble. and you're in a heap of that. well, we are going to try to help you find a way to replace the drapes and the towels, but our confidence in you, edward, is not going to be so easy to replace. okay, a little ethics. you are walking down the street. you find a suitcase full of money. there's nobody around. no human person is in evidence. what do you do? a you keep the money. b you use it to buy gifts for your friends and your loved ones. c you give it to the poor. d you turn it into the police. edward? thank you, dear. edward, we are waiting. good thinking, kevin. we're trying to make things easier for him, so let's cut the comedy for a little while. we're not talking nice. we're talking right and wrong. edward, where are you going? well. i don't know. he just walked down the street. all in the house. i'll take care of it. i'll go find him. now i got up by the wiggmans, but i didn't see him anywhere. where's kevin now? where do you think you're going, young lady? no, you're staying here in case somebody shows up!