i could? i don't think so. you know, on tv they say you repairmen are lonely bunch of people. housewives get lonely too. although you may not realize it since they haven't made a commercial on the subject. on no! who could that be? will you excuse me for a moment? now. don't go anywhere. i'll be right back. this is fascinating. i wouldn't want to miss a moment of it. why! peg. have you gone blind? can't you see there's a vehicle in my driveway? well, i'm surprised you don't realize that means i'm busy. yes, i'll be right there. you are all hiding in there like a bunch of old hermit crabs. shame on you, keeping your unusual guest all to yourself. we think that's mighty selfish of you. oh, that was so sweet of you to want to correct the situation. what time does the barbecue begin? well, you intend to show your guest hospitality by introducing him to your friends, don't you? and i will bring the ambrosia salad. what time was it that you said? about five? did you hear that? he's the perversion of nature. wow, isn't that exciting? see you later. bye bye. do you imagine those hands are hot or cold? just think what a single snip could do. who's handicapped? my goodness! don't be ridiculous. you're not handicapped. you're. what do they call that? exceptional. my name's joyce. and i noticed that you have not tasted any of the ambrosia salad that i made especially for you. allow me. sorry, ladies. but he's promised to come to my house first. haven't you, eddie? eddie. thirsty? kisses, hush up. quiet now. i can hardly hear myself think. momma's precious little baby girl. wouldn't you like a nice cool glass of lemonade? i was hoping for something big and bouffant. kind of like mine. don't you worry , kisses. you'll be so pretty. eddie, is there anything you can't do? you take my breath away. i swear. look at this. have you ever cut a woman's hair? would you cut mine? that was the single most thrilling experience of my whole life. aren't you excited? oh, this is just so thrilling. wait till i show it to you. it's just perfect. it's just what we've been looking for. i want to call it "shear heaven." here we are. no, all along here i'm going to put a row of new mirrors. back up here a whole row of new cosmetics. all along this row here. sure. this is where i stand when i greet the customers. back in here is what i really want to show you. this is the storeroom for supplies. what i need from you today is to help me make a decision. don't, that's dangerous. you just sit down right there. i have some smocks. would you like me to model them? this is my favorite because it's yellow. and what it's for is to catch itchy little trimming that fall down your neck. then there's this old purple one, you know, you kind of drape around you like this. you're trembling. so am i. i've been waiting for this moment for so long. edward! edward, you come back here! you can't do that! all along i felt in my gut. there was something wrong with him. i know, i know. they've got that teenage daughter in the house. oh, those poor things after what happened to me can you imagine? i don't believe it. they don't have him. i'm going! no! that's not a good idea!