hang on, babydoll! there is something very sexy about an older woman in uniform. i could always ride her from behind. no sweat, babydoll. we'll hook up later. larry, do we know anybody at city hall who can mark this go away? oh, yeah. he signs your paycheck. relax, bee-otch. it's all good. no such thing. norman's bud is da'kine. when i medal at the x-games, honda will give me full sponsorship. then i'll take you with me on the supercross tour. are you still thinking about going away? not if you keep hanging out with me. i thought you loved me. then what's the problem? you want to leave town. you don't want to make out. what? why didn't you say so? we can go outside. i've got a blanket in the back. tammy and larry do it every night! come on, ashley. mommy's not around. you don't have to play the good girl. let daddy give you what you really want. my balls? ahh! my balls! i pissed myself?! damn, bee-otch! ashley, wait! please! open the door! i'm sorry! open the door, baby! i love you! i want to marry you! have my children! please! get out of here! they're coming! ride! i didn't touch her! i swear! you're going back in there?! are you all crazy!? no way! i'm not going! no, we can't. isn't that tunnel blocked off, dad? so the female's around here? nice work, doc. dad! i'm sorry i.