damn. hope you like bologna! oh, great. right on. i've warned you not to talk about my family! my family built this town! stay out of this, sam! did you hear what he said? those mines are full of gas. one spark in the wrong place could blow this entire valley sky high. do you really want to load that gun with toxic waste? how could they run tests? i didn't give them permission to go into the mines. i asked you a question, you greedy son of a bitch! you're taking his side? he wasn't crazy. he had it comin'. but sam palmer. that woman abuses her power. i'm not proud of it. i thought you were trying the patch. that burner's on the fritz again. today. for a split second. i actually thought i had it. yeah. then a rat stole my lunch. i practically blew myself up trying to get it back. what are you saying? you of all people know how much my dad wanted to find that mother lode. and maybe you didn't know him so well after all. don't give up on me, gladys. i promised him i'd find the gold. and i will. what am i, the pied piper. need some rat traps. what is all this? i'll have mine without nicotine. rats. have you been smoking? gladys. she really has it in for me. what? me and sam. hook up. too much information. this is where i throw up. i'm sorry about yesterday. wade is. he knows how to push my buttons. on a date? i'm kidding. what did you want to ask? define strange. how about stampeding rats? could have been. never saw them do that before. i guess it qualifies as strange. sam. do you want to go out sometime? only if you're going to say yes. so that's a 'no.' no. i understand. i don't know what i was thinking. gladys has some crazy ideas. i'm gonna kill her. no! let me go! gladys! let me go! she was cooking. the stove was broken. gladys is dead. it's a little large. they keep their food alive. if there were giant spiders roaming the desert, don't you think somebody would've seen them by now? that one looks kind of scratchy. gladys thought i should sell. but you know. i never wanted to get rich. if it was about the money, i would have sold out to wade a long time ago. i think i just wanted to prove the gold was down there. that my family wasn't crazy to keep looking. even after we'd lost so much. and now. she's gone, too. do you know what i'm trying to say? that's right. that's exactly right. remind me never to let you do my laundry. i'll keep that in mind. how am i supposed to do that!? i'm gonna need some new pants. i'm a fast learner. what other spiders did joshua have? why couldn't he keep goldfish like a normal person? how about the radio station? what are you going to say? you can't tell them the truth. the mall? let's try for the mall. my truck's at the museum. in my other pants. what? keep going! we're sealed up at both ends. like that? then at daybreak they'll go back inside. we can walk out the front door. radio shack is full of cell phones. i'll cover you, harlan. while i'm gone, do you think you could find me a size 32? don't even think about locking this door. it looks clear. we've got company! this always looks so easy on tv! they're coming! no! don't say that! what happened? what a shock! try again! climb! i've got you! no! you're going down! we're on our own! we should be able to hold them off for a little while. what the hell? we can get out this way! cover me! at least they can't follow us. i think we're in one of the old tunnels. don't worry, sam. i don't believe it. toxic waste. we can get out this way! you did this? we're wasting time. one end of these lights should be connected to a generator. that'll be near the entrance. methane. this cavern is full of gas. one spark and we're all dead. there's somebody in here! gladys! gladys, please. can anybody help her?! it's okay. it's okay. you're okay. no. jesus. it's the mother lode. he was right. my dad was right. consuela? go! leave it! bret, come on! this is our chance to kill them all. when the power comes on, the bulb will ignite the methane and torch them! keep going up the tunnel. there should be a generator at the exit. start it up and await for my signal to throw the switch. will be buried under tons of rock! go! i need to set the fuse as close to the spiders as i can. that should give us time to get clear. bingo. i hate spiders. start the generator! throw the switch! no! it's a chain reaction! the whole valley is going to blow! i really need some pants that fit.