did you pop him one? why? because she stopped you from givin' wade another pop? i am. oh something's broken? what else is new? you need to pay these by the end of the month. another vein of iron pyrite? i'm glad you like my bologna sandwiches. maybe you should talk to wade. honey, if he really does have a buyer. your daddy wanted to get rich. i don't think he cared how that happened. if he was still alive, maybe he'd sell those mines. you're right. i'm just worried about how we're going to pay these bills. what are you doing home? try the basement. i wanted to surprise you with a special dinner. turkey de la gladys. not as good that way. no. get back to work. i'll see you tonight. sam called for you. she wants you to come by the station. oh please. you two should just sleep together and get it over with. i may be older than electricity, but i used to be a nice-looking piece of tail. i'm not kidding. i got more action than those chicks on vip. so when i tell you sam thinks your butt is u.s.d.a. choice. don't tell me you don't think she's a fox. see you for dinner. am i. dead? i'm not in heaven? then what's with all the gold? so were you. have you got a smoke, kid? i blew up the kitchen. u.s.d.a. choice. there's a ranch! let's get the fuck out of here!