hey, mike. check this one out. they've been like this all week. must be something extra tasty in the water. dead coyote. snake maybe. back in the 'nam we'd eat python with a dash of habanero sauce. mighty satisfying. when you're thirty klicks out from the nearest firebase. humpin' through the wake-up with your finger on the trigger. charlie doesn't give you time to stop for cutlet. quiet, bird. we're working. the sun is going down, my nocturnal hunters. it's time to come out and feed. i've calculated a growth factor of twelve percent over the last forty-eight hours. but that seems to be accelerating. they can't outrun the food chain. imagine yourself the size of that fly. a scytodes spitter would be as big as a cadillac. you'd be spider chow, kid. took me forever to get a breeding set of chilean reds. i must have bribed every customs agent from vegas to santiago. male tarantulas compete for the female's attention. each one tries to bring her the best present. bugs, rats, even the occasional parrot. the prey is cocooned alive so she can eat them in her nest. you know how women love breakfast in bed. take a look, the female of the species is three times as big as the male. say hello to consuela. she fills her prey with digestive acid to liquify the internal organs. now watch. she'll drink her victim from the inside out. while it's still alive! arachnids have been roaming the earth for millions of years. and they'll be here long after the human race is dead and buried. there's your mom. an exponential growth rate. that's impossible. be quiet, bird! stop screwing around! where'd you go? consuela? charlie. semper fidelis.