he's huge! like what? you ate snake? yeah. they're definitely getting bigger. all from eating these bugs? maybe i should try some. run, little guys. i could get away. are the new tarantulas in here? that is too cool. and you wonder why my mom doesn't like me hanging out with you. bad! bad consuela! do that again and i feed you to the parrot. see you tomorrow, joshua! you should see them, mom. each one has a unique feeding behavior. the spitters fire poisonous snot. the tarantulas mummify their prey. the jumpers can. he studies them. nasa uses spider webs in outer space. and for medicine. they've been here forever, and they'll be here long after we're all dead. nightmares are cool. it's from dad! he didn't forget my birthday. i told you he wouldn't. rockin'! cassiopeia 2304 with 64 megs of ram. integrated modem. voice recording capability. this baby is tight. he forgot to send the batteries. why? you have the right to remain silent. anything you say can and will be used. i read her her rights. what's your excuse!? i'm just going to the mall. a pack of cigarettes? where's this secret location? norman, you know my mom's the sheriff. what? where's aisle five? hello? joshua? charlie? captain's log. stardate. cool! the house is deserted. no sign of joshua taft or his bird. the spider tanks are shattered. there is broken glass everywhere. animal tracks. definitely too big to be spiders. could be rats. mom! mom! all josh's spiders are gone! but joshua is gone! mom, i'm serious! you're not listening! i've found more tracks. even larger now. we have to go back. that was a trapdoor spider's burrow. joshua was feeding his spiders bugs from the creek. and they were getting bigger. what if they didn't stop growing? what if they broke out of their tanks. ate joshua. and went into the mines? that could be why the other species are coming out into the open. they're trying to get away from the giant spiders. the ecosystem is out of balance. maybe i am losing it. hello? hello? holy god. mom! wait! spiders shed their skins when they grow. like snakes. maybe not. this is a tarantula's leg. or it was. it's an exoskeleton, to be scientific. see! male tarantulas wrap their prey in webbing. tight like a mummy. the food stays alive so they can eat it later. a spider's leg! careful! those are quills! tarantulas can flick them at you like darts! tarantulas! wolfs! trapdoors! joshua had a ton of exotics! the jumpers hunt in daylight. but not the others. they only come out when the sun goes down! can't you turn that down?! i'm doing spider research! wow! a scytodes spitter! the scytodes spits a gooey discharge to immobilize their prey. watch its fangs! the spitter's fangs move from side to side as it fires! get under it! stab it in the abdomen! they don't have any armor down there! i told you! i told you all! but nobody ever listens to mike! still think i'm crazy, mom? spitters, jumpers, orb weavers, tarantulas. giant spider invasion. wait, mom! the noise will attract more of them! look out! you stink. trapdoors! they're all around us! i didn't download that part! get away from the doors! glass won't stop them! hurry up! for the last time! they can't handle the sunlight. they were waiting in the mines for the sun to go down! we won't make it that long. they're growing very fast. they need food to sustain that kind of development. i don't. it's spider repellent. arac attack! they're trapping us like ants in a log! once they have all the exits blocked, they'll come in through the last one! we've gotta go! where do you grow your weed?! they're going to kill us, you stoner! not until daylight. i've seen one of these before! the creek where joshua gets his spider food. there was one in the water. that's what i was talking about, chris. presents from the male tarantula to the female. i think you should stop. they don't have hair. they aren't fully grown tarantulas. they're giant babies! consuela. mom! it needs gas! it needs gas! he's coming! we'll never get out in time! oh no. she's molting! consuela! no! bad! bad consuela! look out! 71: