hey, dude. yeah. you. wanna buy some smoke? smoke to get high, not to die. my stuff is hydroponically grown in a top secret location. no artificial flavors. no preservatives. just 110 percent homegrown. i could have a dime bag for you toot sweet. but if i tell you where exactly, i'd have to kill you. oh yeah. right on. does she get high? we're closed. wait! i have a prescription! it's for my glaucoma! yes, ma'am. be cool, little dude. they're locked. trick or treat. dude, if i tell you, i have to kill you. over here! to shangri-la. you aren't going to arrest me for this are you? the man says this cavern is full of highly flammable methane gas. i smoke to get high, not to die. what's the big deal? why? bummer.