thanks, harlan. as i was saying, chemical technologies has been looking for viable storage sites. and prosperity is lucky enough to be on that list. i may have overestimated the need for 100,000 square feet of outlet shopping. if the government subsidies hadn't dried up, i'd still be rolling in cash. with one phone call i could put together a deal that would make us all very rich. they probably don't have any. money pays for kids to go to college. it pays the mortgage. it puts food on the table. haven't the people of this town lived hand-to-mouth for long enough? we're all gonna die in this hell hole. wouldn't it be nice not to worry about surviving retirement? or taking a shot at that life-long dream? think about it, harlan, you could buy a commercial transmitter and start broadcasting to a national audience. if chris mccormick refuses to sell his mines. the rest of us are out of luck. i don't think it's fair for one person to wield that much power. but he's just like his father. selfish. greedy. and more than a little bit nuts. that family has been digging in those tunnels since the twenties. if there was something down there, don't you think they would have found it by now? common sense does not apply to crazy people. might as well be chasing a leprechaun's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. lunatics. certifiably nuts. at the very least. those mccormicks are just plain-old dumb. am i supposed to be grateful? i want him locked up! we have no economy! people are barely scraping by! and now we've been offered the deal of a lifetime. you don't have the right to stand in our way! chem-tech did seismic analysis, vapor checks, groundwater reads, soil sampling. they found isolated methane pockets, but no benzene or hydrogen sulfide. i'm greedy?! you're the one keeping us down so you can search for gold! you're crazy! just like your father! came out to feed my birds this morning. hell no! my flock had fifty birds! where'd they go, dammit! who the hell steals fifty birds that can't even fly!? i guess. and we didn't hear a thing. not a peep. not so good lately. you like it? i'll take you for a ride. i didn't kill my birds, sam. is that what you think? reject. absolutely not. now you're on the job?! what the hell were you doin' last night?! i need to know what happened to my birds! just give me the usual. no! please! thank you! have you seen bret? watch it! why didn't we see them earlier? you're the sheriff. but the signal won't get out of the valley. that's why we couldn't sell any of the damn things. great idea. you should do that. hey, loverboy. you've got a town to save. i'll be right here waiting. over here! where are you taking us? oh great! now you've trapped us! i thought you were a goner, boy! come on, bret! we're trapped again! uh. yeah. he's right. we can't get out that way. i knew you'd never sell. we're under my property so. i didn't have a choice! i was broke! they gave me a hundred grand! my birds! you see, sam? i wasn't lying! that's what i can put on the insurance form. giant spiders! gold! gold! look! it's everywhere! get as much as you can! so you can keep it all!? hell no!