mariachi staggers into amadeus and washes his face in a fountain by the door. he makes his way to the bar as a patron pays and leaves. domino is washing a glass. she the then remembers she has the gun in her waist belt, so she removes it and sticks it back under the counter. wounded mean dude #5 comes in limping. she takes out a towel and drops it on the counter. domino walks by with a trash can. mariachi is sitting on a barstool. the bar assistant is cleaning the bar. he walks over to grab a few glasses and when he returns, azul is sitting at the barstool mariachi was on earlier. the assistant looks around, wondering where azul appeared from. mariachi runs inside and checks to see if his case is still there. domino comes downstairs. domino, mariachi, and assistant are standing at the bar. mariachi shakes the case, and puts it on the counter as if to open it. but he doesn't need to check it. he knows it's not his guitar. domino hands mariachi a wad of money. domino is waiting on customers. she glances at her watch. a few seconds later she glances at it again. she looks very worried. azul goes inside and finds domino tending the bar. mariachi runs into the bar.