stop daydreaming! get back to work! why. . . ? why. . . ? i was so mad at god when i broke my leg at shadow ridge over christmas break. the doctors told me i'd have to quit sports for at least a couple years if not forever. which meant no first-string quarterback in the fall. it was like the end of my life! when i got back to school everybody was so supportive, and they all wanted to sign my cast and everything. but i still couldn't shake the feeling that now my life had no purpose. what did god want from me? why did i exist? sometimes you can search everywhere for answers. then one day destiny just taps you on the shoulder. i know, because it happened to me. mr. mcallister changed my life. and no matter what they say he did or did not do, i believe he is a good man. i wanted to play next year so bad i could taste it. and maybe go on to. yeah. what do you mean? who, me? nooo. i never. i don't know anything about that stuff, mr. m. besides, that's tracy flick's thing. she's always working so hard and -- and she's super-nice huh? oh. uh. pears no, wait -- apples. apples. i also like bananas. i gotta talk to him first. huh? oh, hi, tracy what do you mean? no. uh. i just. you know, i just thought -- well, see, i was talking to mr. mcallister about my leg and everything. and how i still want to, you know, do something for the school and -- well, i mean, you know, i talked to him and everything, but he just said he thought it was a good idea. and how there's all different kinds of fruit and. it's nothing against you, tracy. you're the best. i just thought -- paul. paul. power. paul. paul for president. progress. promise. peanut. paul-i-tics. yeah. president paul. punt for paul! no. hey, tammy, guess what happened today. yeah. so guess what happened. so mr. mcallister, he -- oh hi. lisa. so mr. m. calls me in and tells me -- what'd i do? i sure was surprised the day lisa flanagan asked me for a ride home and ended up blowing me. uhhh. teeth. teeth. life is so weird. first lisa has a big fight with my sister, and the next thing you know she's my girlfriend. since lisa knew all about public relations and stuff, she offered to help me with my campaign. we made a great team! it seemed so natural, the two of us together. it was like destiny. that spring was perfect. my leg wasn't bugging me too much, and the weather was so nice. and every afternoon after school. lisa and i would go to her house to fuck and have a swim. it was like we were in a world all our own. tammy? tammy, what are you doing? we can't both run, can we? we're brother and sister. can we? for what? for what? as many of you know i broke my leg pretty bad thi3 year and the experience has made me reevaluate what i want to do with my life and that is help people when you think about it a school is more than a school it's our second home where we spend all cur time and grow as individuals and a community but is our school everything it could be i want our school to reach its true potential that is why i am running for president. i know what it is to fight hard and win like when we almost went to state last fall and i threw that fourth-quarter pass against westside for the touchdown that won the game by three points i won't let you down like i didn't then i promise we can all score a winning touchdown together. vote paul metzier for president thank you. oh. hi, tammy. i was just, you know, i went to all your teachers and got your assignments. i just thought, well, last time you got suspended you fell so behind and - yeah. oh, one more thing. tammy. you know, all this election stuff. 'cause, you know, everyone is saying it's so weird that you're running against me, and, well, it is kind of weird, and you haven't really told me why you're doing it and didn't tell me in advance or anything. but that's okay, you know. l respect your privacy. i just want you to know that no matter who wins, if it's you or me, there's no hard feelings. we're still brother and sister. okay? cause. and i hope you feel the same. okay. great. i feel good. oh. oh. yeah. right. one other thing. since you know lisa so well, could you give me some advice? i want to get her something for helping me with the election. you know, something really special -- like flowers or candy or flowers and candy. or is that too typical? i mean, can you think of something? something really special? you know, something she'd really like? i just don't think anybody would do something like that on purpose. it must have been some kind of mistake. like a maintenance thing. we still have some extra ones, don't we? maybe we can just -- oh, no, hey. like i said. tammy wouldn't. she. dear god, thank you for all your blessings. you have given me so many things, like good health, nice parents, a nice truck, and what i've been told is a large penis, and i'm very grateful. but i sure am worried about tammy. in my heart i still can't believe she tore down my posters, but sometimes she does get so weird and angry. please help her be a happier person, because she's so smart and sensitive, and i love her. also, i'm nervous about the election tomorrow, and i guess i want to win and all, but i know that's totally up to you. you'll decide who the best person is, and i'll accept it. and forgive my sins, whatever they may be. amen. way to go, tracy! isn't this exciting? hell, good luck! thanks! it's so weird. do people always just vote for themselves? 'cause looking at my own name on the ballot, i just. i don't know, i just felt like it's not right to vote for yourself. hey, mr. m. big day, huh? yeah, you too, tracy. i'm just glad it's over. you know, i don't understand why everybody bad-mouthed tracy all the time. she was always super- nice to me. geez, you guys, thanks a lot. i mean, wow, thanks. i promise to do my best and really do a good job and be a good president. and i want to thank lisa flanagan for being a super campaign manager. and i just want to say that i think tracy would have made a great president too and that she really deserves a big hand. wow! mr. mcallister! this is so wild. we came to celebrate my victory, and i can't believe it. here, these are my parents. this is great. i never would have ran if it wasn't for mr. m. yeah! why don't you guys go sit down, okay? i'll catch up in a minute? i want to talk to mr. m. about some important stuff. so, mr. m, i was starting to think about ideas for next year. i was thinking it would be cool to have, like a carnival. with rides. and, you know, it could be for, like. muscular dystrophy. and on halloween we could have a haunted house. but a really good haunted house, not like those cheesy bad ones. you know, more like the radio station ones. this one would be really scary. and for homecoming -- well, you know how last year's theme was - oh, okay. yeah, sorry. just one more thing. so, mr. m., uh, do you think tracy's going to be okay? i saw her face after the assembly, and i think she's taking it pretty hard. huh? senor presidente. yo soy senor presidente. el grande presidente. i don't know why, but finding out there was a mistake and i hadn't won the election after all didn't bother me that much. winning had seemed kind of unreal anyway. i guess i should have voted for myself. oh, well. is tammy okay? senior year was great i sure, i didn't get to play ball or be president, but i got elected homecoming king and prom king anyway. i got into nebraska like i wanted and early-rushed phi delts. at the end of the year me and my buddies threw a hitching mexican party down at the cement plant. shit, that was a good party. that was a good party! the only really bad thing about senior year was lisa. right before christmas she dumped me. one minute she's totally in love with me and then boom she's going out with my football buddy randy. sometimes i wonder what would've happened if i'd actually won the election. maybe my whole life would be different. like i might never have gone to yosemite with greg and travis. or maybe i'd be dead. sure, tracy. oh, yeah, sure. hey nolan, give my book to tracy when you're done* thanks, tracy. hey, tracy i. have a great summer. and good luck at college.