what? if you could just get out of your head. don't you fucking knock? paul, get out! you dumbshit! you know how they say one day a big meteor might come and crash into the earth and kill everybody? well, i think that would be a good thing. lisa stop! wait! where 're you going? what? how can something that seems so true turn out to be such a lie? i mean lisa and i were destined to be together. it was so obvious. of all the people on the planet who had ever lived, somehow we'd found each other. lisa. i remember one time lisa and i did an experiment with asparagus to see how long it takes your pee to smell. we peed a little every five minutes. for her it took about fifteen minutes, and for me it was twenty. everyday i found some new way to tell lisa i loved her. but it just seemed like the closer we got, the more she pulled away. what? so? i know. i don't care. what did i do to make her change? what's wrong with me? lisa. sometimes when i'm sad, i sit and watch the power station. they say if you lie between two of the main wires, your body just evaporates. you become a gas. i wonder what that would feel like. i don ' t know what i did to make lisa hate me so much, but somehow she decided to hurt roe. and she knew exactly what to do. i had to do something. i didn't know what, but i had to do something. who cares about this stupid election? we all know it doesn't matter who gets elected president of millard. you think it's going to change anything around here, make one single person happier or smarter or nicer? the only person it matters to is the one who gets elected. the same pathetic charade happens every year, and everyone makes the same pathetic promises just so they can put it on their transcripts to get into college. so vote for me, because i don't even want to go to college, and i don't care, and as president i won't do anything. the only promise i make is that if elected i will immediately dismantle the student government, so that none of us will ever have to sit through one of these stupid assemblies again! 0h don't vote for me i who cares? don't vote at all! being suspended is like getting a paid vacation. too bad it was only three days hey -- i said lights i what do you want? okay, paul. thanks. thanks a lot. now could you leave me alone? sure, paul. no hard feelings. you wanted to see me, mr. m.? okay. but is this about the posters? okay. because i know who did it. so. i'll just be outside. well, this is hard for me, but i think it's important to be honest. don't you? i'm the one. i did it. i tore down paul's posters. i did it. this weekend. i don't know. yesterday. sunday. door was open. i don't know. all i know is i did it i i have proof. you don't know what it's like to grow up in the shadow of an older brother like paul. it's always paul, paul, paul, paul. never tammy. i'm only paul's little sister. you must be dad, i dear god, i know i don't believe in you, but since i'll be starting catholic school soon, i thought i should practice. let's see. what do i want? i want people to be nicer to each other. i want lisa to realize what a bitch she has been and feel really bad and apologize for how she hurt me and know how much i still love her. in spite of everything, i still want paul to win the election tomorrow, not that cunt tracy. i also want a really expensive pair of leather pants. and someday i want to be really good friends with madonna. love, tammy i hate it. please, morn. please don't make me go to sacred heart. i beg you. catholic school was great! i mean, the teachers kind of sucked, and they were supposedly way more strict, but you could get away with murder. the best thing about sacred heart was meeting jennifer. all those feelings i had for lisa were just preparing me for the real thing. jennifer and i are soul mates, and we're never, ever, ever going to be apart.