no, i'd say she doesn't. i don't think i've ever seen a mother quite so upset. we're all very, very lucky she doesn't want this public. dave. dave, look at me i want you to get some help. if you can't be adults and give these candidates the courtesy they deserve, then you don't deserve to be called adults but children* because that's what children are. and you'll be treated like children. so let's all listen up. i'd say she knows a thing or two about student-faculty dialogue. people. people i that little bitch made a fool of us i want her out of the election. getting everybody all riled up like that. she's finished, you hear me? washed up. yeah. whatever. all i know is she's a troublemaker. she's on my list. right. that's it. she's suspended for a week! okay. three days. take care of it. jim, where the hell have you been? even tried you at home. we've got a situation here. somebody tore down their posters. we'll get to the bottom of it. well, that speech she gave -- it was pretty, you know, pretty out there. but we'll get to the bottom of it. don't you worry. mr. mcallister is going to see to that. right, jim? you two just go back and focus on your studies. mr. mcallister's going to handle this. good morning, students. it, uh, behooves me to inform you of an important change in today's elections. effective this morning. . sophomore tammy metzier has been. metzier has been determined ineligible - i repeat: ineligible -- for sga president. you may not vote for tammy metzier. all other candidates are eligible. now please pay attention to a very important, uh, audio-visual presentation. linda, who typed this thing? i said i need all caps. 253. 254. 255. i get the same as you jim. looks like paul's our president. sorry. my figures work out exactly the same as jim's. 256 for paul, 255 for tracy. if you say so. whoa! easy, fouch. i don't like where you're going. fouch, that's enough! end of story. mr. mcallister, i hope you can help us clear something up. larry, you just take it easy take a seat, son. we've got something hard to tell you. she's okay. it's about the election.