i, for one, am sick and tired of this competitive freak-hunting by these overly ambitious young doctors, trying to make names for themselves. to parade then about in front of the pathological society is one thing, but to waste this committee's valuable time with requests for shelter for these abominations of nature is quite another. one moment, as far as i'm concerned this creature has no business being in our hospital. i think mr. carr gomm's letter would be an excellent idea, and when you appeal for funds, i think you should appeal for a more appropriate place for him as well. i agree the british public is generous, and i'm sure that somewhere the creature will find a happy and permanent home, but not here. well then. in the meantime, of course, he needn't be turned out. he may stay in the rooms off bedstead square until such time as more suitable arrangements can be made, thus freeing the isolation ward for more deserving patients. well then, mr. chairman, if there is nothing further to discuss, i move that we adjourn this meeting and all go bout our normal business. good day, carr gomm. mr. chairman! i was under the distinct impression that we had concluded discussion of this disagreeable matter. had we not ascertained that an elephant man is not acceptable as a patient? have we not, very generously, allowed the creature to use two of our rooms until such time as he could be properly disposed of? have we not. which brings to mind my next point. the rules, gentlemen, the rules. in a society such as ours, it is of paramount importance that we not stray from the established order. has that order not already been fearfully strained by allowing this. this. sideshow exhibit to take up residence, however temporary, in two very useful rooms, the purpose of which would be far better served in accommodating treatable patients, patients to whom this hospital was originally dedicated? i believe we have a duty. in light of these facts, our course is clear. the question is not whether to accept this creature as a patient, the question is when will those rooms be vacated for use by better qualified, more deserving cases? i move that this elephant man be removed from the premises immediately. we have a sacred duty to cure the sick, not care for circus animals. that is my last word on the subject. mr. chairman, shall we vote? mr. chairman! don't you have ears? i am unalterably opposed to any. no, my mind is made up on this, and i am resolved to stand firm. you shall not sway me. may we now vote, mr. chairman, at long last?