belt up, you misbegotten garbage. how can i eat with that? how can i eat with that? out of my sight! now! you clumsy sod! you! this won't do, my lad. this just won't do! what did you do to him? he's been like this all night! he was fine when he left here, and now look at him. he fell. he falls. he's a clumsy git. never watches where he is going. that's the way he sleeps. if he lays down, he'll die. head's too heavy. can't you fix him up here? . he's my livelihood. listen. i really appreciate this, guv. you know, there's lot of things that i can do for you. i move in the proper circles, for this type of thing. (motioning toward the i like doing business with you. you and i understand each other, completely. i know i can trust you. can't i? i want my man back. never mind that, i want my man! don't. don't muck me about. you've had plenty of time to fix him up, and he's leaving with me, now. do you understand me? now, mr. treves. we had a bargain! pull the other one, why don't you! we made a deal! he's a freak! that's how they live. we're partners, him and i, business partners. you're willfully deprivin' me of my livlihood! you think you're better 'n me? you wanted the freak to show all your doctor chums and make a name for yourself, you guv. so i gave him to you. on trust, in the name of science! and now i want him back. i want him back! i've got my rights, damn you, and i'm going to the authorities! right. right. so, there you are, my boy, my treasure. room for one more? well, let's be off then. perhaps the ladies would like a closer look? bring him out then, so's we all can see him. my treasure. aren't you glad to see me? get into your cloak. . now, your hood. do it! let's go. still haven't eaten, eh? eat, my treasure, i want you healthy. i'm beginning to feel your weight. the result is plain to see. ladies and gentlemen. the terrible elephant man! turn around! dance! dance! eat, my treasure. eat. i said eat! eat, damn you. eat! eat! i said eat!! the result is plain to see. ladies and gentlemen. the terrible elephant turn around! dance! up! up! give the call of the elephant! louder! get up you miserable bastard! i said, get up! i'm beatin' a dead horse. another bleedin' heart! you sly bastard. you're doing this to spite me, aren't you! he's doing it to spite me, i tell you, and it's got to stop! if he does it's his own fault! but i'm not burying that swollen bag of flesh. i'll show you! i'll show you! shut up! out!