there is no one in the room. the bathroom door opens and nora and another nurse enter, carrying buckets which they set down by the hall door. they straighten up and lean back against it. merrick goes to his table and puts the box down. he hangs up his disguise, then goes back to the window and pulls the curtains aside. moonlight bathes the table, illuminating the portrait of his mother. john seats himself and sets the box in front of him. he reaches for a pencil, and then begins to draw windows on the front of the box. merrick, as before, is hunched over the table, pencil in hand. the sides of the box are covered with carefully drawn windows and archways. merrick is at his table working on his cathedral. there is a knock at the door. we pan across merrick's bookcase, now quite full, and we see a few titles: "moll flanders", "emma', "jane eyre", "pamela", and then to merrick. he and treves are reading poetry together. merrick is still at his cathedral working away. suddenly, he looks up at the window and the night porter is standing there smiling wickedly, pointing a finger at him. merrick is working on his cathedral. it is almost finished. he is detailing the spire, carefully painting in the stonework. there is a knock at the door. merrick is alone, wearing his cloak and standing by the table, cradling the dressing bag. he takes each article out of the bag and lays it carefully on the table, all in very neat order. he stares at the elegant objects, then rearranges them. he reaches over to the picture of mrs. kendal and picks it up. we see his face reflected in the glass. merrick sets the picture down on the table. he takes up one of the silver brushes and, using the picture as a mirror, neatly brushes his hair over his monstrous skull. he lays the brush down in its specific spot. morning sunlight on the floor of merrick's room. we move slowly around, discovering the church spire, the columns, the penny and merrick's mother's picture. merrick, in a night-shirt, is seated at his table working on his cathedral.