nora! mind your duties. if you don't concentrate dear, you'll only make more work for the rest of us. now, get about your business. . and do get your collar straight, dear. do get on with it, nora. fine. i've heard. sir, you don't have to worry about me. i'm not the sort to cry out. shall we go in? how do you do? sit still. don't wiggle about like a pup. i won't stand for any foolishness. the workhouse. good morning, mr. treves. it'll be his bath-time soon. has he eaten? won't come out, eh? just being obstinate, sir. i'll handle it. alright, my son, none of this fuss. come up from there, this instant. honestly, sir, you must be very firm with this sort. otherwise they'd lay about on the floor gibbering all day long. all he understands is a good smack. perhaps you've got the time for that, mr. treves, i certainly don't. i've got an entire hospital to look after, and you have your real patients. don't waste your time with him sir, it's like talking to a wall. i don't mean to be harsh, but truthfully what can you do for him? i'll be back later for his bath. and mr. carr gomm would like to see you when you have a moment. good day sir. patients here are not "its". they are either "he's" or "she's", but that's alright, ireland. this one's going to be more work for all of us. good god girl! mind your broth. good lord, mr. treves! parrots can do as much, mr. treves. it's all very nice, but i don't see the point. you know they won't let him stay here. read it. credit where credit is due. you'll have the paper every morning at breakfast. well, i think i can safely hand the duties over to you girls now. mr. merrick will require a bath every day. that way he won't pong quite so much. nora, you can instruct kathleen on the finer points of mr. merrick's bath. you'll be on your own tomorrow. don't look so glum girls. such enthusiastic volunteers should be more cheerful. oh, and girls, under no circumstances are there to be any mirrors brought into this room. watery headed bunch. excuse me, sir. i'd like to have a word with you. i can't understand why you let those people go in there, sir. but you saw them, sir. they couldn't hide their disgust. they don't care anything for john, they're just trying to impress their friends. i bathed him, didn't i? i fed him and cleaned up after him! if loving kindness can be called care and practical concern, then yes, i did treat him with loving kindness, and i'm not ashamed to say it. if you ask me, sir, he's just being stared at all over again. mr. treves, some more books arrived for mr. merrick. yes sir. what's that? very smart indeed. a dressing bag? well. a dressing bag? is this all there is for john? what is it? what is it? welcome home, john. good god. john? done. there's a policeman to see you, sir.