what's all this, then? elephant man? friend of the night, eh? the elephant man. i think i'll have me a look at that. now, you need the scrubbing, ducks! hush, love, i told you before one word from me, they'll toss you back on the street, and then those pretty little arms of yours will never grow straight. now close your eyes. here he is, the old fiend of the night, the terror of the london. let's have a look at you. let's see what makes 'em scream. cor blimey! so this is the elephant man. i ain't never seen nothing like you before. what the bleedin' hell happened to you? oh. dumb, eh? good. i likes people what can keep quiet. like a drink? go on. go on have some. no? you should try being more sociable, mate. you and i are going to be good friends, we are. and, i've got lots of friends who i know would like to meet you. and they will, mate. they will. welcome to the london. i hear you have some trouble sleepin'. head's too heavy, eh? and i heard a nasty rumor about you; i heard you can talk but you can't, can you. can you. can you?. no. no you can't! one word about me out of that stinking cakehole. just one word, and you'll have no trouble at sleepin'. no trouble at all. you understand me? do you!! there now, that's better, i'n' it? here. listen to this. this is a letter to the london times from the guvnor of the hospital. there is now in a little room off one of our attic wards a man named john merrick, so dreadful a sight that he is unable even to come out by daylight to the garden. he has been called the elephant man on account of his terrible deformity. his appearance is so terrible that woman and nervous persons fly in terror at the sight of him. . and guess who can get you tickets to see him? your own sunny jim! keep your shirts on. . when the time is right. right now he's in the attic but tomorrow they're movin' him into bedstead square, right into my lap. then. for the right price you'll see something you'll never see again in your life. you're on mate. alright, alright, that's enough for this performance. hang on, hang on, there's always tomorrow night. not to worry. at the right price. there's room. quietly now! quietly! we don't want to scare him. curtain time!!! no, no! you look lovely. don't change a thing, darling. you look like the bleedin' prince of wales. my friends. the elephant man! a prince needs a harem! mind his head. you'll kill him. quiet down. quiet down. you'll have the whole place down on us. everyone outside!!! here now. here now. he's had enough. show's over! meet you at the peacock. he's had 'is fill for one night. i did real well tonight. here. buy yourself a sweet. i. i don't know what you mean, sir. take him? now wait. i didn't take him anywhere. we were just having some fun. we didn't hurt him. just having a laugh, that's all. when i left him, he was in his bed, safe and sound. you're not listening to me! i ain't done nothing wrong. people pay to see your monster, mr. treves. i just take the money. have a care, mr. treves. i ain't afraid of you! you and your bleedin' elephant man! i'm glad what i did! and you can't do nothing! only mothershead can sack me.