you can't do that! i've got my rights! he's a freak! how else can he live? movin' again! have a care, guv'nor. he's not a peeler. no. i don't think so. and who might you be, sir? i don't think so. no sir, we're closed. handsomely?. who sent you? never mind. i'm the owner. here we are sir. life is full of surprises. ladies and gentlemen, consider the fate of this creature's poor mother. in the fourth month of her maternal condition, she was struck down by a wild elephant struck down, if you take my meaning, on an uncharted african isle. the result is plain to see ladies and gentlemen. the terrible elephant man! stand up! turn around! bytes. mr. bytes. he'll be there. now we got a deal. we understand each other. guv. we understand each other completely. don't just stand there. help him up.