why do you go among the people, majesty? i tell you plainly, you will be murdered! every catholic in england is a potential assassin! we know the catholics take their orders from spain. the spanish speak openly of mary stuart as but while she lives, majesty, she is a beacon that draws our enemies' eyes and hopes. treachery, ma'am. all catholics are traitors! their loyalty is to the pope of rome. immense numbers, majesty! we must act, majesty. our inaction is taken to be weakness. here, majesty. not closed, majesty. but the gun positions here, and here, have full command of the channel. the courtier displays a second portrait. majesty, this vast armada will surely smash through our naval defences. we must be prepared for the worst. we're decisively outgunned, drake. we are losing too many i tell you, we're out-gunned. do you want to lose the whole fleet? we can't get near them.