ship builders are being recruited in spanish ports at double wages. the sea wall at dover is cracking. there's no money to rebuild our defences. i don't need advisers to tell me my business. diplomatically speaking. your highness does me great honour. shall we eat our dinner? it should prove almost as restorative as my love. don't tease me, mr raleigh. there's nothing i'd like to do more. i envy you, bess. you're free to have - what i can't have. you're my adventurer. don't be afraid. it's all over so soon. how have you failed me? what am i to forgive you for? you're right. we must live while we can. something not to be spoken of afterwards - to be forgotten - but just for now - therefore, the spanish fleet must not reach calais. where's bess? just tell me there's no certainty. the shadows of ghosts, you said. any outcome is possible. give me hope. the bells are to ring in every church in the land. i'd like to give your son my blessing. i am called the virgin queen. and