this is so pretty i'm inclined to send it as a present to my dear cousin elizabeth. she holds up the delicate work to show her ladies. it is an intimate garment, of course. but even elizabeth must have the occasional intimate moment. annette reaches her mistress and kneels before her, holding out the letter. our friends write to give us hope. that's enough, annette. slit her throat? please. here's my noble jailer, come to smack my hand. she holds out one hand to be smacked. the other hand holds the letter out of sight. have i sinned again, sir? oh, you jailer. i don't trust you. see how i pass my time in my lonely prison. such a pretty undergarment. but for whose eyes? why do we have to talk about war? tell us your nice news, william. are you married yet? then we must find you a nice sensible english wife. dismissed? on whose orders? do stop snivelling. the warden? my warden? what have you done now, you bad man? sent away my laundress? how am i to have clean clothes? or do how am i to send my intimate letters? and you will read them. am i to have no privacy? you disappoint me, sir. the queen! am i not a queen too? what if i wish to write a love letter? is elizabeth to be sent a copy? is she so starved of lovers that she must feed on mine? tormentor! is that elizabeth's order too? that you torment and mock me? she turns to go, but stops before leaving the room: bitter, haughty, not deigning to look back. they say she's a beautiful woman. she's called the virgin queen. why is that, sir? can it be that my friend, forgive me. you are my friend, are you not? i shall send no more letters. i shall stay here quietly, in my prison. with you. the gentlemen are ready. it will be soon now. bring me pen and paper, annette. they wait on my reply. hurry, now, hurry! i pray for my cousin elizabeth. do you think she prays for me? you bring news? yes? yes? unharmed? me? what has any of this to do with me? your master? traitors. i'm surrounded by traitors. who am i to trust? only my little one. who are you to sit in judgement on me? by what authority do you condemn a queen? god alone has made me what i am. he is my only judge. raise your law above god's law, and what law remains? in your vanity and ignorance you set loose the monster of misrule. you know neither who you are nor what you do. but i know who i am. i die as i have lived - trusting in the mercy of my god - a queen. your face tells me. it's decided. please don't cry. i forgive you with all my heart, for now, i hope, you will make an end of all my troubles.