no, no, my lady. unless beauty is counted a sin. not jailer, my lady, please. warden. protector. friend. you are the queen's guest. mary signs to her ladies. one of them brings her the embroidery, discreetly receiving in exchange the hidden letter. charming, ma'am. distractingly charming. she holds the intimate garment against her body. paulet seems to be too fascinated by it to notice he is being that was not my motive, ma'am. through me. with respectful admiration. no. beneath the charm, steel. the queen orders these measures for your protection. the queen grieved when your husband died, ma'am. as she grieved when your second husband i don't presume to comment on the queen's person. i am your servant, ma'am, and your admirer. the queen has been attacked - the assassin seized - the queen unharmed - and you, ma'am, are under arrest. my own invention. theatrical, but effective. my master has every letter you've written. walsingham. tomorrow morning. at eight.