let england know we're back, mr calley. she spoke to me. you have to give me that. two words. did you see the girl behind her? i've been at sea too long. how am i to see him if you won't let me through? and when will he come out? walter raleigh, your majesty. a gentleman of devon. the honour to be in the presence of my queen, whose radiant beauty is the boast and glory of the english people. i ask for your gracious permission, majesty, to return to the new world with your royal warrant, to found a colony under the laws and protections of england. americans, majesty. they long to be your newest subjects. none to match england's queen. i also come bearing gifts for your majesty, from the new world. mud, and leaves. patata, majesty. you eat it. very nourishing. gold. you spend it. very satisfying. courtesy of a spanish ship, that found itself unable to complete its journey. philip of spain is no friend of england, majesty. the more gold i take from him, the safer you will be. and your majesty's most loyal subject. what did you think of her? but magnificent. he moves on. i'm glad to have the opportunity to thank you. without your help, i'd still be in outer darkness. then i thank you for the very little. no, ma'am. a sunk ship is of no value. the object is to capture and command. surprise. speed. irresistible violence. that depends what you propose to do with them. a simple sailor, dazzled by the bright lights. i don't presume to raise my eyes so high. it seems you're determined to think the worst of me. what every man wants. money. fame. love. each leads to the next. the money will buy and equip ships for a return voyage to the new world. the success of my infant colony there will make me famous. the fame will bring me love. there are benefits along the way. it is something, after all, to take a blank on the map and build there a shining city. no doubt. b may i ask a question in return? how am i to win the queen's favour? i've little enough to offer, i know. but whatever i have to give - ask, and it's yours. i don't even know your name. a second elizabeth. it begins with a journey. you must cross an ocean. can you imagine - can you feel - what it is to cross an ocean? for weeks you see nothing but the you live with fear, in the grip of fear - fear of storms, fear of sickness on board, fear of the immensity. what if you never escape? how can you escape? there's nowhere to go. so you must drive your fear down, deep into your belly, and study your charts, and watch your compass, and pray for a fair wind - and hope. pure naked fragile hope, when all your senses scream at you, lost! lost! imagine it. day after day, staring west, the rising sun on your back, the setting sun in your eyes, hoping, hoping - sir christopher hatton enters. at first it's no more than a haze on the horizon, the ghost of a haze, the pure line corrupted. but clouds do that, and storms. so you watch, you watch. then it's a smudge, a shadow on the far water. for a day, for another day, the stain slowly spreads along the horizon, and takes form - until on the third day you let yourself believe. you dare to whisper the word - land! land. life. resurrection. the true adventure. coming out of the vast unknown, out of the immensity, into safe harbour at last. that - that - is the new world. she listened as if she understood me. you speak like a true explorer. and i like you. leave me free to like you in return. that can be my reward. i think it must be hard for so great a queen to know the simple pleasure of being liked for herself. mine! whoa! whoa! forgive me, majesty. my horse doesn't know his place yet elizabeth looks at him, amused, intrigued. i'm a sailor, majesty. your majesty is not eager to be married? some. i would want someone who knows me as i am. now it is elizabeth who hesitates. he understands her as well. so why don't you? i'm afraid that's not possible. women bring bad luck on board ship. lock up a hundred men in a space smaller than this room, for months at a time - men have needs. a beautiful woman like you would drive us all mad. you think all i want is money. you think i'm a cynical adventurer, with little breeding and less education. you're wrong. i'm a cynical adventurer with little breeding and an excellent education. you have more important concerns the queen has sent you to me. tell the queen that i will i need no assurances. i'm no courtier and never have been. i've lost my appetite for playing games that it seems i'm too stupid to understand. you call me unfair! very well. what is my queen's command? yes, majesty. if your majesty grants me your royal warrant. there's nothing left for me to do here. at sea i know what i'm to do, i know the risks, i know the rewards. here - captain of your - ! this is too great an honour. you know why. he raises his eyes, but he still doesn't look at her. why do you talk like a fool when you're anything but a fool? i'm sorry. i didn't mean to disturb you. something has distressed you. so you did. that's necessity. that's the world we live in. if you knew him well, you will have sensed the truth. he was hoping to use you. you did there, now. he wipes away a tear from her cheek. in desperate need of comfort, she throws herself into his arms. he holds her we're all mortal, bess. we do what we can. he strokes her cheek. she meets his eyes, filled with gratitude. she takes the hand that touches her face and moves it to her lips. she kisses it, still holding his eyes. he draws her back into his arms, and they kiss. suddenly they're kissing eagerly, greedily, their long pent- up passion released at last. you like your ladies to jump at your command? no, no. you're the queen. you are to be obeyed. nonsense. you don't mean a word of it. you eat and drink control. no skill at all, majesty. i don't know the steps. as your majesty wishes. has she asked for me? my queen. no. you don't need me to instruct you in your duty. since when were you so afraid? you fear your soul will be touched. royalty is close to immortality. kill a queen - and queens are mortal. we mortals have many weaknesses. we feel too much. hurt too much. and all too soon, we die. but we do have the chance of love. the consolation of philosophy. may the lord god preserve england's queen. he'll not burn england. never! the closer i come to death, the more i want to live. the hungrier i am for life. why be afraid of tomorrow? today's all we have, and all we know. now. i've never known a woman like you. i know only one world. in this world, i have loved you. what is this, bess? you're pregnant? you can't go! when were you planning to leave? am i not to see you again? what's to become of the child? bess - all i know is nothing's as it should be. of course i remember. oh, bess. with this ring i thee wed. with my body i thee worship. and with all my worldly goods h i thee endow. in the name of the father - and of the son - and of the holy spirit. amen. this is not the queen i love and serve. what news? is the fleet at sea? what news? and the fleet? all but me. tell the queen i will join my our ships may be smaller but break their formation and we have we have the wind in our favour. do we go? how many ships are burning? not enough. he turns his face towards the coast of england. he speaks may god be with us all tonight. thank god. my son is well. yes. as any man can be. elizabeth looks at him in silence for a long moment. i would be honoured.