at last. your majesty has a merciful soul. the light of purifying fire. my time has come, majesty. send me home. i ask for your forgiveness. moving with speed, he seizes the armourer's head, twists it to one side, and snaps his neck. reston walks quietly out of the store. his weakness endangers us all. he can't go on with us. and we can't leave him behind. who will help him? si ambulam in medio umbrae mortis, non timebo mala - lord have mercy on the soul of your servant, who gives his life for your eternal truth. lord, be with us as the end approaches. you have it? what do you think? there must be we wait on a direct order. he completes the note and gives it to burton. one more journey, my friend. then `if our forces are in readiness, both within and without the realm, then your queen commands you to set the gentlemen to work.' i have done what i was sent to do. send me home.