the people are agitated. your bishops are preaching that god is showing his displeasure- the queen being still unmarried - some are saying infertile - dangerous nonsense. mary stuart has a son - so long as you have no issue. elizabeth looks back at wsalsingham. produce an heir and there'll be no more talk of mary stuart. there are husbands to be had. austria. france. sweden. i confine myself to the possible. they care for your safety, majesty. the threats to your person are real. france is in religious turmoil. it would be unwise to engage with their instability. we still need to keep france out of the arms of spain. still madly in love with you. a cousin of philip ii of spain. and it would put philip on a leash. elizabeth looks across at the spaniards. virginity is an asset that holds its value well. william! you look terrible. don't they feed you in paris? how are your studies? learned the secrets of the universe yet? these are dangerous times to be questioning the ways of god. you must take care of yourself. you'll dine with us? you'll lodge with us? i speak to her daily. i can't leave court yet. the queen needs me. these are difficult times- william, come and tell us all the new ideas in the university. will the great breach in the church ever be healed? what do they say in paris of the pope's call for holy war? not too soon, i hope. every man deserves a rest. mr raleigh. a word of advice. the queen chooses to show you favour. you naturally wish to take advantage of that. don't ask for too much. i hope all you want is money. i begin to see why the queen likes you. still nothing to tell me, mr throckmorton? i know about the enterprise. i need names. but if you won't help me, perhaps your father will. he's been questioned, as you have. i do have to know, you see. well? majesty. the traitor has talked, majesty. the traitor throckmorton. norfolk. nothing more, dr dee? no more specific calamities that we can guard against? queens are mortal. but you have, my dear. and you do. we both know that. keep me informed, and all will be well. i don't like surprises. where have you been? we haven't seen you for days. from paris, no doubt. and now you've come back. do you know, i can still remember the day you were born? i was eleven years old. and you, this helpless bundle. i looked at you in your crib, with your little wrinkled face, and i loved you from the first. i vowed then to look after you. i watched you grow up with your head in the clouds, always a dreamer. i couldn't follow you there. and now i've failed you, haven't i? forgive me if i haven't loved you enough. did you really think i didn't know? was it for money? at least tell me you got a good price. what then? what would you murder your own brother for? eternal life. the bribe no man can refuse. ready to die, i see, jesuit. why was the gun not loaded? not quite everything. you're no martyr. you weren't even much of a murderer. go back to france. back to your dreams. never let me hear of you again. the law must have its way. forgive me. in my weakness and my vanity, i have failed you. philip of spain is a god-fearing man. he cannot make war without just cause. he sent the jesuit to kill a queen. but not you. the jesuit's mission was to draw mary stuart into the murder plot. he knew i was reading her every letter. he waited until she wrote the words that sealed her guilt. forgive me, majesty. let me go. they plan to cross the channel in barges, under the protection of the spanish fleet, and sail up the thames. that is so. if the spanish fleet reaches calais in strength, the combined armies will be beyond our power to resist. how did you know about the numbers of the dutch barges, majesty? i don't recall supplying you with that information. majesty, please! dignity - mercy - the spanish are barely a day away, majesty. i beg you to appreciate the gravity of the situation, majesty. there is very little time. how many spanish ships are burning? not enough. i have served your majesty - in all things.