hello, francis. not yet. my needs are simple. look at you! all grown up. i've been away too long, ma'am. i doubt it, brother. compromise is out of fashion. on both sides they say there can only be one truth, and one god. many welcome it. truth will always hate falsehood, ma'am. not yet. no, no. i won't be staying long. i must go back to my studies. no. it won't do. reston nods agreement. he returns to the table and dashes off a letter, muttering as he does so. this is the spark that will set england ablaze. reston takes out pistols, and hands one to ramsay, one to babington. r it's me. william. i met up with some old friends. yes. eternal life. to kill the queen. you know it. you know everything. i've told you all i know. go ahead and kill me. take what's left of me. i don't care any more. all my life you've had everything and i've had nothing. so finish it. there's a better world waiting for me. we'll all be judged in the end, brother. even you. what does he want? my forgiveness?