he's dead. an accident. hit by a bus. we found the originals. there was a transfer. he never made it to the newspaper, but there was private sector contact. several indiscriminates and one primary who we've id'd as robert dean. a crystal city attorney. mr. reynolds? sir? we'd have to-- he's arrogant and threatening. voice stress points suggest he's worrying. it was in his bag. now it's not. we just picked up his call. he had help. i don't fuckin' believe this! 301 to all units. everyone out! now! we'll take him at the hospital. he's clever. he had help. sir-- i just meant-- we found two sets of latent prints in the rubble of brill's studio. one was dean's. the other, we believe, belongs to brill. well. his real name's edward lyle. yes sir. no sir. and they have the video. that's confirmed. if they've looked at the video. if he's with lyle it means he's got resources. brill's dead. we don't know. jones had to flee the scene before we could locate the second body. we think it was on brill. if it was, it's destroyed now. found him. kent island nailed the call five minutes ago. he's stationary. not yet. he's near "m" and 34th. i've got an elsur unit on the scene now. a residential building. twelve units. three minutes. we're going in light. myself and two others. everyone else is held back in reserve. the fuck is this? it's over. we've been fucked with our pants on. we broke into her condo.