did they take your clothes? you've got a bunch of armani suits, they didn't take 'em? usually they take clothes. what about jewelry? the blender? they didn't take the silverware? sounds like they didn't want anything that wasn't electric? they only took electrical appliances. can i talk to you a second? that's what i want to talk to you about? the congressman's very happy to have your support, but he's heard that there's an investigation. he's heard that it's escalated. your bellmoth case. the fbi thinks there might be mob ties. just be cool. rachel? there a problem? christ! bobby-- bobby-- calm down. rachel's dead? jesus. bobby-- why would they-- why would the nsa-- you're tired. listen to me. no, listen to me. you gotta let me bring you in. you gotta let me bring you in to the police. to the cops? bobby, you're in way over your head. i have a family. i'm sorry, man. bobby? piece of advice? turn yourself in. yeah?