how's the trout? it is fish. do you like fish? here's what you asked for. brill's note said it was everything you'd need to, shall we say, coax depinto-- depinto? never. what answer were you-- it's how he works. yes. i take a straight 15 percent. brill's fee varies with risk. perhaps you'd be more comfortable using someone else. other than me. someone with whom you don't have quite so personal a-- he doesn't work that way. you're not. i wouldn't let you. good luck with depinto. eat your fish. i got a call from my firm this morning saying don't come in. there are reporters wanting to know about my relationship with you and how long i've worked for the mob. the mob, bobby! good. you're just what i need right now. it's really not a good idea for me to be seen with you. i gotta go. no. no problem. outside. there's a lot of people asking questions about you and me. the irs contacted me this morning. they say my lifestyle and receipts exceed my income. for the last four years. you don't work there anymore, bobby. bullshit. we're screwed. how? i can't. i've never met him? fuck you. when you needed information, i got it. you didn't care how. this conversation's over. i don't have a life, bobby. i'm in love with a married man. what makes you think it's you? you're a moron, you know that? when i need to reach brill, i chalk the mailbox on 14th and main. when he sees the mark, he knows there's a drop. the location's always the same. the number twelve ferry to glen burnie. tuesdays or fridays. the drop's behind seat 74. i leave something, he picks it up later. my guess is male, somewhere in his 40's or 50's. race, height, weight, you're on your own. now i don't know how he's gonna feel about someone tracking him down. he's reclusive. i'm sure he has his reasons.