"i know thy works and thy labour and how thou canst not bear them that are evil. and thou hast tried them who say they are apostles and hast found them to be liars". revelations ii. it means who's side are you on? it's a bi-partisan issue. everyone needs to swallow hard. no one, including you, wants to be fingered as the one obstructing efforts to crack down on terrorism, and-- what? is that anyway to talk to an old school chum? there are planes falling out of the sky, buildings blowing up. american buildings. americans getting bombs in the mail. what are we gonna do!? go ahead. jesus h. christ. "do thou, o lord, protect us-- --guard us ever from this generation. on every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the sons of men." psalms 12.7 and 12.8. tell me what this means, mr. o'brian. what happened? what about the tapes? the originals? am i to understand-- who? contact cointel. profile. assess the threat. then cross-check against zavitz. red-flag the intersects and anything we can exploit. also nro. pull up the keyhole tapes. i need to own him. i need to own him now. what's your opinion? i'm not asking you to say for certain. this is what you're trained to do, right? then what's your goddam opinion? get it. get it. hiding something? destroy his credibility before he goes public. neutralize him. i don't want anyone listening to a word he has to say. tell me about rachel banks. 30 minutes ago you said we had him. what in hell's goin' on out there? help from whom? christ. i'm confused about something. maybe you can help me out. i sit on top of the greatest intelligence gathering organization in human history. why can't i bring in a man whose name is in the fucking phonebook?! he's clever? he had help? oh. no, no, i'm sorry. i didn't realize you were hoping to be transferred to a weathership outside greenland. i don't care if he's solomon with saint joseph sitting in his lap. i want the tape and i want him. now is-- yes? no thank you. do i look like i want a tiny pizza? then let's assume i don't. now is that clear? we believe? lyle?! you're kidding me. dean's with lyle. so they know everything. oh, let's assume that they have. resources, that's a good point. he's got resources. all we've got is a six-hundred billion dollar organization! now goddammit, hicks, you find 'em. you find 'em and you end it now! about what? ken-- we're not doing anything with sam albert. it's not ours. what about-- explain that. what about the tape? and if it wasn't? peace be with you. peace be with you. do i know you? yeah. do you have visual? what's your eta? he walked right up to me in church. at the holiest time of the wear. he approached me in a sanctified place. kill him now. yeah. well. what is it? what the hell--