america is under assault, and this time it's from within. the gangs, the terrorists, the drug lords, the cults. it's a war like any other war. a war with victims and a war that requires courage and strength. --don't think it could've gone any better. tell me, how's deb? how're my grandchildren? not 'till later tonight. we're going to the campus now. i'll call you after i've checked in. i love you too, dear. what happened to you last night? a bug? jesus h.-- well get somebody down here today. i don't know what the hell this is all about. well then who can? what do you mean? who can buy this kind of equipment. what are you saying? law enforcement? are you sure about this? oh my god. with what? neil, thank you for your help. this is sam albert. put me through to langley. dick marshal's office. privacy and the right to privacy is an inalienable right. today we face a threat to that creed. certain individuals in our intelligence community believe they're entitled to examine lives in minute detail, and claim to do it in the name of the common good.