how're we with pre-trials. ms. saunders. mr. dean, would you care to give ms. saunders a hand with the interrogatories. and may i ask what could possibly be more important than fawell oil v. u.s. environmental agency? go to harrison's. they've got models that'll try the garments on for you. merry christmas, son. i got a call this morning from a source i trust. the post is running a lead this afternoon about your involvement in the bellmoth investigation. they claim you helped create a shell company for sam vollotti in zurich and that through your continuing relationship, the gambino family's been able to exert influence and provide false witnesses to discredit our case. robert-- the attorney? what's his name? gentlemen-- who would do that? well until we find, you're gonna have to take a leave of absence. a leave of absence. until we've sorted this all out. bobby--