this guy's a fat-assed rotarian gasbag. listen to him. bobby! so you tap everyone's phone? you use computers to probe financial records? new search and seizure laws? we won't suspend the civil rights of the good people. you should take this seriously. you're a lawyer. don't you care what's going on around you? what? what do you mean? i'm sorry. what'd you buy at harrison's? bobby? how'd you get the information on depinto? who did you work with to get the-- yeah, but you said you've never met him. how did you-- have you been working with rachel? sorry. oh my god - i don't understand why jerry couldn't clear this up. he's got his priorities? how could you let me find out like this? robert-- "sources revealed an fbi investigation into a possible money laundering scheme that may have sent millions of dollars-- "at the center of the investigation are well-known washington-area attorneys robert dean and rachel banks." you swore! i told you i didn't want you seeing her. you had an affair with this woman, robert, we went to a fucking counselor for a year. you told me you weren't seeing her at all. the date stamp on the picture is last month. is that where you and rachel conduct business. oh, please-- i think you should leave now, robert. leave this house. hello? do you know what i'm looking at robert? i'm looking at a picture of you and rachel taken yesterday. was that doctored-up, too? i went to the grocery store. my atm and credit cards didn't work. i couldn't buy food. i went to the bank to see why. they said you emptied our accounts-- this is science-fiction robert! the manager showed me the transfer notice with your signature on it. my father's put me in touch with an attorney. he'll be-- robert-- yes. just reporters. this is my house. nobody's kicking me out of my house. i picked those drapes. what happened to your head? does that hurt? good. i told you they could do this. i told you they had this kind of capability and that with this anti- terrorism it would be just another-- i'm sorry i didn't believe you. i opened the present you got me from harrison's. the lingerie. i was missing you. what is it? robert, is it safe to be talking on the phone like this? are you sure you're safe? they're saying you killed that policeman. where are you? can you tell me anything? it's an important speech, eric. there's gonna be a vote today. actually, this man appears to have changed his mind dramatically. is it over? get ready for school, you're gonna be late. it's really over? i'm sorry about rachel. who? you did good. c'mon upstairs. i've got a christmas present from harrison's i want to show you.