buon' giorno! are you hana? i met your friend mary. she said i should stop and see if you were okay. apparently we're neighbors - my house is two blocks from yours in montreal. cabot, north of laurier. bonjour. i'd like to take credit, but it's from mary. my name's david caravaggio, but nobody ever called me david. caravaggio they find to absurd to miss out on. they're fresh. i haven't eaten an egg in. have you noticed there are chickens? you get chickens in italy but no eggs. in africa there were always eggs, but never chickens. who separates them? yeah, for a while. i'd like to stay. that's the long and short of it. i mean, you know blah-blah if it's convenient, if there's room blah-blah-blah. i have to do some work here -i speak the language. there are partisans to be - #name? relieve them of their weapons, you know - while we hug. i was a thief, so they think i'd be good at that. no. i'm okay. look, it's a big house. we needn't disturb each other. i can shoot a pistol! i'll sleep in the stables. i don't care where i sleep. i don't sleep. fine. i'm not looking. hello. thief, i think, is more accurate. oh, all over. does she have war wounds? are you planning to be the exception? and you've forgotten yours. i told her you can forget everything but you never forget your name. supper. rabbit hunting. can you cook the rabbit or will you try and bring that back to life? you should be happy. what were you going to do for him when it ran out? some gave me a dress. you know what's great? what i'm learning? you win a war and you not only gain the miles you get the moral ground. everywhere i go, we're in the right. i like that. hana? hana? are you alright? i'll have some of your water. it's hot. you have to protect yourself from sadness. this is the thing i've learned. you're in love with him, aren't you? your patient. do you think he's a saint or something? because of the way he looks? i don't think he is. who are his ghosts? what if i told you he did this to me? i'm one of his ghosts and he wouldn't even know. it's like he slammed a door in cairo and it trapped my fucking hands in tobruk. ask him. ask your saint who he is. ask him who he's killed. i can't hide anymore. i breathe like a dog. i lose my balance. stealing's got harder. why do i feel if i had your book i would know everything? is it you? if i said moose. i look different, fuck, why shouldn't you? first wedding anniversary - what do you call it? is what cotton? your first anniversary is paper. thought you'd never wake up! i liberated it. no-one should own music. the real question is who wrote the song? for? is there a song you don't know? hold the ends. we have 30, 000 troops in tobruk. what are they going to be doing? no. i keep explaining. you've got the wrong man. my name is bellini - antonio bellini. bellini, caravaggio, both painters, i think that is confusing you. i don't know. it's impossible. i was buying or selling something. i've been to cairo many times. could i have a doctor? i am passing blood. i must be bleeding internally. can you get a doctor? look - i'm leaking blood. he kicks me. he kicks me all the time. yes, i've been asking for weeks, a month, i don't know, also my leg was - a nurse? well, sure, a nurse is great. a nurse? great. i slept with the girl. i've got a wife in tripoli. a girl comes up and points at you, you only see trouble. don't cut me. don't cut me. come on. you can't do that! hey - come on! oh jesus. oh jesus christ. listen, i'll give you a name. what name did you say? i knew them! i promise. please - please! the man who took my thumbs, i found him eventually - he's dead. the man who took my photograph, i found him too - that took me a year. he's dead. another man took that man across the desert to cairo. now i intend to find him. have a drink. well, anything you do is likely to be fatal, so you know - what? you and madox? or you and katharine clifton? there are going to be trials, they want me to interpret, don't they know i'm allergic to courtrooms? so, i come across the hospital convoy i was looking for this stuff, and some nurse, mary, hana's friend, tells me about you and hana, hiding in a monastery, in purdah, whatever it is - retreat - how you'd come in from the desert and you were burned and you didn't know your name but you knew the words to every song there was and you had one possession - #name? full of letters and cuttings, and then i knew it must be you. i'd seen you writing in that book. at the embassy in cairo, when i had thumbs and you had a face. and a name. before you went over to the germans, before you got rommel's spy across the desert and inside british headquarters. he took some pretty good photographs - i saw mine in that torture room in tobruk, so they made an impression. you were the only man who knew the desert well enough, the only man who would cross seventeen hundred miles of nothing. what did you say? there was a result to what you did. it wasn't just another expedition. it did this. if the british hadn't unearthed your nosey photographer in cairo thousands of people could have died. but you were among the british, they were your friends - why betray them? and did you never see katharine? you never got back to the cave? you get to the morning and the poison leaks away, doesn't it? black nights, fucking black nights, when you want to howl like a dog. i thought i would kill you. you killed my friends, you ruined my hands. but the girl was always here, like some guardian angel. no, now i can't kill you. kip - what are - ? kip, listen - kip - well, then ask him his name! kip, listen, he lost everything because he wasn't english - jesus! - shoot me, i'm more english than he is! hana! come on! hana - this is gioia. she can take you as far as florence.