i hereby christen us the international sand club! isn't it? wedding present from katharine's parents. i'm calling it rupert bear. hello. geoffrey clifton. a broken car? uxoriousness - that's my favorite kind of love. excessive love of one's wife. how do you know? apprentices. off with his head! gentlemen, good evening! uh, marvelous. she's in love with the hotel plumbing. she's either in the swimming pool - she swims for hours, she's a fish, quite incredible - or she's in the bath. actually, she's just outside. chaps only in the long bar. oh no, really. she has her book. the team is in mourning, darling. good heavens, are you married, madox? i feel much better, don't you darling? we were feeling rather self-conscious. let's toast, then. to absent wives. i was just saying, i'm going to cable downing street, see if i can't stir up a few shillings - katharine's mother and the pm's wife are best - well, she is! gentlemen, to zerzura. to arm-twisting. have to return the favor - take a few photographs for the army. portraits. the brigadier, the brigadier's wife, the brigadier's dogs, the brigadier at the pyramids, the brigadier breathing. well look, if nobody minds, truly, then i suppose - i shall, of course, be bereft. but finally able to explore the cairo night-life. i shall produce an authoritative guide to the zinc bars and - i want to say harems - am i in the right country for harems? you too. good luck! appropriate? are you mad? katharine loves it here. she told me yesterday. i've known katharine since she was three, my aunt is her aunt, we were practically brother and sister before we were man and wife. i think i'd know what is and what isn't too much for her. i think she's know herself. why are you people so threatened by a woman?! have you seen katharine? it's geoffrey under this. darling, i just heard. you poor sausage, are you all right? lady h said she thought you might be - right. sweltering. come on, i'll take you home. sweetheart, you know we can't go home, there might be a war. i do so love you. what do you smell of? marzipan! i think you've got marzipan in your hair. no wonder you're homesick. darling, it's me, i'm sorry, something's come up. don't sulk - i'll be back tomorrow evening. i promise. okay my precious, i love you. i'm not. i'm going to surprise her. it's our anniversary. she's forgotten, of course. what's the symbol for your first anniversary? i should get something. is it paper? moose! moose, you there? first anniversary - is it cotton? first wedding anniversary. your day will come, my sausage. stop! stop here. sorry. sorry, what's your point?