i'm not sewing anything else. no! i'm not sewing anything else for you! do you need something? we keep moving him - in and out of the truck. why? he's dying. what's the point? i must be a curse. anybody who loves me, anybody who gets close to me - or i must be cursed. which is it? the war's over - you told me yourself. how can it be desertion? when he dies i'll catch up. i need morphine. a lot. and a pistol. he can't even move. up there. because you're leaning? no, you're just on an angle. you're too heavy! in here. thank you. good. i was repairing the stairs. i found a library and the books were very useful. i think they're all in italian, but i'll look, yes. what about your own book? oh - i've found plums. we have plums in the orchard. we have an orchard! water! you hear it, too, don't you! i will hide you in the room where we sleep, said candaules. candaules. you're laughing at me. when my wife comes to lie down she always lays her garments one by one on a seat near the entrance of the room, and from where you stand you will be able to gaze on her at your leisure. are you asleep? i should try and move your bed. i want you to be able to see the view. it's good, it's a view from a monastery. how? how can you see anything? i'm turning you. no sand. that's your drugs speaking. are you remembering more? are you crazy? because i'm a nurse. how are you? your leg will be fine. a lot of shrapnel came out - i saved you the pieces. no, i'll get you some tea. wait till you're in naples. you'll find a girl there. would it? very funny. go to sleep. where are we going? i don't want to be kissing in a crowd. i have six hours. sorry. i took a benzedrine. i'd like to spend a night with you in a bed. what do you want? bonjour. you were in africa? so was my patient. so you can shoot a pistol? if you said yes i would have had a reason. you should let me redress those bandages. before you go. because we're fine here. i don't know what mary told you about me, but i don't need company, i don't need to be looked at. there's a man downstairs. he brought us eggs. he might stay. he's canadian. he needn't disturb you. he won't disturb us then. i think he's after morphine. there's a war. where you come from becomes important. and besides - we're vulnerable here. i keep hearing noises in the night. voices. then i'm definitely going. excuse me - can i ask - my friend, can he come in? just for a few minutes? he's going back to the front this evening. i can't see him otherwise. no, i can't go, but if it, if you weren't offended, it would be very good of you to allow us - every other cabin is crammed. this is as private as we'll get. thank you. thank you. this is captain mcgann. you've got a mustache. i was looking forward to this evening. i thought that was for when we were very very old? where've you been? i could help you. i could get you off that. it's a week. we didn't know where you were - or if you coming back, or - what do you do? what are you doing here? he came back, he says he caught a rabbit. i'm cooking it. he keeps asking me questions about you. do you know him? do you recognize him? yes, of course, i'm so sorry. stupid of me. i'm so sorry. you're a nurse - how ca you be frightened of needles! try t be calm. ssssshhh. come on. be calm now. ssshhhh. be peaceful. it's okay. it's okay. why picton? as him what company he's with? does he know a captain mcgann? what did he say? he's gone, hasn't he? oh god. oh god. don't touch me if you're going to try and fuck me. i'm not in love with him. i'm in love with ghosts. and so is he. he's in love with ghosts. ask him. what? how could he have? when? i don't know what that means. please don't creep around this house. tell me about this, this is in your handwriting - december 22nd - betrayals in war are childlike compared with our betrayals during peace. new lovers are nervous and tender, but smash everything - for the heart is an organ of fire. i love that, i believe that. who is k? excuse me. yes? i don't have the key to that door. i see. then may be you're safe as long as you only play bach. he's german. no, but, no, not at all. i'm sorry. you came to the doors, that's all and - #name? worried about mines. that's all. i don't think so. he wants us to move out, says there could be fifty more mines in the building. he thinks i'm mad because i laughed at him. he's indian, he wears a turban. i'll probably marry him. my mother always told me i would summon my husband by playing the piano. i liked it better when there were just the two of us. with his sergeant. a mr. hardy. they have to clear all the local roads of mines. that's a big job. they won't stay in the house. they're putting up their tent in the garden. where did you find that? i think that's called looting. no. he sings all the time. good morning. did you know that? you're always singing? kip's another one. hello. i was going to say - if you want to eat with us, ever. you and lieutenant singh. since caravaggio turned up - food seems to appear, so please. you saved my life. i haven't forgotten. i thought you were very very tall. you seemed to big - a giant - and i felt like a child who can't keep her balance. sorry, is it all right i'm seeing this? my hair was long. at some point. i've forgotten what a nuisance it is to wash. you know - if you were ever around - we get water from the pump at noon. try this. i found a great jar of it. olive oil. in naples this was so precious it would have bought you a wife. yes, for your hair. arguing about books. i didn't like that book either. it's all about men. too many men. just like this house. i don't think it does. anyway, he's indifferent to me. hey! - he's saying it's wonderful! you'd better be. it's okay - i'll help. please. what do i do? so i follow the wires? i follow the wires. why would anyone do this? give me a second. i promise you that was the right thing to do. he's my good luck. now cut. this one. i hope we don't die. i'm not scared. so many people have died around me. but i would be a shame for us. i don't feel like being shy. actually, you can't cut, can you? you'll fall over. give me the pliers. kiss me. before i cut. just in case. i'm sorry. i forgot you'd be worrying. we're all safe. it was a mine, but not the mine. nobody's hurt. i'm sorry. yes. yes. we're going to a funeral. a cow has died. and in his religion they're sacred. kip? would you like me to? kip. he's sleeping. i'll tell him. what is it? is it a mine? does he have to go? what if you couldn't find him? sergeant, not today, please. not this morning. don't go. i'm frightened. i can love a coward, i can't love another dead man. kip! kip - come and dance with me never heard of it. what was that? you loved him. if one night i didn't come to the tent, what would you do? but if it got late and i hadn't shown up? you wouldn't come to find me? that makes me never want to come here. then i tell myself he spends all day searching, in the night he wants to be found. sometimes i need you to find me. what are you up to? i should go to the house, get breakfast. nya-nya-nya! what's happened? kip! what's happening? don't shoot, please, don't shoot anybody. kip. kip. it's me. why? it's another bomb. however big, what's the difference? there've been so many bombs. what about coventry? what about dresden? where were those cities? i don't understand. let me come in. of course. when? kip. i - is that what you think? is that what you think i think? i'm thinking about your heart, not your skin. and how to reach it. and that i don't think i can. a bomb has ruined us, just not the bomb i thought would ruin us. i've clung to you. i've clung to you. kip. life a raft. i'll always go back to that church. look at my painting. so one day we'll meet. my darling, i'm waiting for you - how long is a day in the dark, or a week? buon' giorno. I can get in the back.