hey! hey! stop! hey! the germans were here. the germans were all over this area. they left mines everywhere. pianos were their favorite hiding places. is something funny? i've met you before. thank you. for my hair? brick platform opposite the old ajaib-gher - it's still there, the cannon, outside the museum. it was made of metal cups and bowls taken from every household in the city as tax, then melted down. then later they fired the cannon at my people - comma - the natives. what i really object to, uncle, is your finishing all my condensed milk. and the message everywhere in your book - however slowly i read it - that the best destiny for india is to be ruled by the british. i'll get another tin. well, i'm indifferent to cooking, not hana's cooking in particular. have either of you ever tried condensed milk sandwiches? what's he saying? go to the left! keep to the left! there are mines and trip wires everywhere! get hardy. he's on the other side of town. in the hills. get him to hurry. the mines, the wires, there's a trick. some explode if you stretch the wires, some if you cut them. there's a mine here, but the others are far enough away, i think at least to give me a chance. i have to work out which one to cut before i fall over. you get hardy. don't touch them. i've done this. i've had to do this. what are you doing?! hana! what is this business with you and explosives? do you think you're immune? okay. get away from here. quick. you must get away. before i cut. i'm not cutting if you're here. no. don't talk. check again. lie flat and then cut. what's happening? am i needed? this is what i do. i do this every day. serial number - kk-1p2600. hardy! hardy! what's happening?! go away. this is making me incredibly angry. kiss me. congratulations. yes. later. who's that girl? hardy's? i was thinking yesterday - yesterday! - the patient, hardy: they're everything that's good about england. i couldn't even say what that was. we didn't exchange two personal words, and we've been together through some terrible things, some - he was engaged to a girl in the village! - i mean - and us - he never once. he didn't ask me if i could spin the ball at cricket or the kamasutra or - i don't even know what i'm talking about. i try not to expect you. then i'd think there must be a reason. that gun at lahor, kipling's cannon - zamzammah - remember? that was made out of the metal of ordinary things. i want to make an ordinary thing out of guns. when i went to england i was amazed at what went on, the waste - i'd been taught to re-use everything, the dung from a cow to cool a radiator, a fork to fix a typewriter - india could live for a hundred years on what i saw thrown away. the lamp was burning all night in his room. caravaggio was there with him. this is hot! stay out of this. i looked up to you, uncle. my brother always said i was a fool. never trust the british, he said: the deal-makers, the map-makers; never shake hands with them. what have i been doing all this time? do you know how many mines i've seen? - more mines than there are soldiers, more - how many mines we've put in the ground ourselves, stuffed in corpses, dropped out of the sky. and now this. i said keep out of this! can you hear? can you hear what they're celebrating? i listened to you, uncle. sitting at your feet - always sitting at somebody's feet - trying to learn. the right way to hold a teacup, otherwise you're out, the pukkah knot in your tie - as if everything can be explained in terms of a cricket bat and an accent. kip! - it's not even my name because you can't say it. kirpal singh bhuller is my name. they're excited! they're happy about destroying a whole city. would they do that to a white man's city? never! will you come with me? i mean home. india. i know - here i am always a brown man, there you would be always a white woman. it's what i've learned. then come with me. i'll always go back to that church.