that is. fiancee and assoc. well, it's a pleasure, in this alien place, to do business with a countryman. five feet thick with hidden rein- forcements, no way to drill through! only the tip of our security iceberg. see these two brinks locks? the captain keeps one key. the other is continually forwarded: to the chief of security at next port. there is no way to enter during voyage. the best armed guard, rotated every six hours. a redundancy, of course, but we would rather be safe three times over than merely two. sprinklers. new design. incredible power. the entire chamber is water- proof, fireproof, airtight. if the ship sinks, god forfend, your cargo is secure for salvage. and your cargo is? our 'delicate treasure' platforms, suspended on gimbals. your cargo remains unruffled by roiling seas. then, on arrival, is plucked. by that forklift, and gently deposited on dock through the cargo hatch. oh, yes, sir. the shikoku maru carries sixteen luxury suite pas- senger cabins. the finest cuisine. for valued clients who prefer to cruise in privacy. why, yes. in three weeks.